
The Wedding of Kate Cudlipp and Carole Grunberg





Seekers Church
A Christian Community
In the Tradition of Church of the Saviour
June 11, 2010







WELCOME     Peter Bankson
We are here to celebrate and affirm, as family, dear friends, and community, the relationship that Carole and Kate have created over the past 27 years and intend to continue to build as long as they are both alive.


And we will have the joyous opportunity to participate in the legal recognition of their relationship, an opportunity only recently made possible in this city but still denied to loving couples in so many other places.


As family and friends, you have not been invited simply to watch a wedding. You have been invited here to participate fully, to bring your prayers, good wishes and pledges of support and love for these two people. You are here as the community that recognizes and acknowledges the importance of what is taking place today.


Are you, Kate’s and Carole’s family and friends, ready to participate fully in affirming the covenant between these two people? Please signify your willingness by saying, “We are.”


INVOCATION     Peter Bankson
Holy Mystery, you who love us into being every moment of our lives, we have gathered here today to recognize the covenants Carole and Kate have made to one another as covenants of marriage. We ask for your blessing on this day and on this couple. May their vows come from the heart and the bonds they forge by their commitments grow stronger with the passing of each moment, day, and year. Lover of Lovers, we give thanks that we can gather for this joyful celebration.



“How Can I Keep from Singing?”      Jane Wulf and Enya


Peter: Carole and Kate, you have invited us to witness the happiness you have found in each other. Are you ready for your union to be affirmed in the spirit of love?


Carole and Kate: We are.


     1 Corinthians 13:4-8, 13        Kate Lang and Lisa Piccione


     “C’est la Vie”                        Henri Dikongu‚




REFLECTION                             Roberta Grunberg


Kate:            Carole, on that hillside in the Blue Ridge 28 years ago,       

                    I was graced by the hope that our lives would grow in tandem.
                    And they have.   


Carole:         Our differences, your water and my fire,          

                    complement and draw strength from each other.   


Kate:            You bring enthusiasm, curiosity, joy,

                    new people and new places into my life.


Carole:         Your presence soothes my spirit and your selflessness raises me up.
                    Your grace and beauty humble me.


Kate:            You take me seriously, and help me lighten up.


Carole:         You are the joy in my soul, you are the song in my heart,

                    and you are my rock of calm. 


Kate:            You love and support me in my good times

                    and when I feel I least deserve it.

                    In your love for me I see reflected God’s unconditional love.


Carole:         I cannot imagine a more perfect partner

                    with whom to share the journey of life.


Kate:            As we continue our life journeys,

                    I promise to encourage your dreams

                    and celebrate your gifts and talents.


Carole:         I promise I will continue to love you with all my heart 

                    and respect you in all ways.


Kate:            I promise to remind you of how beautiful you are when you forget.


Carole:         I will listen to you carefully and stand with you through struggles.


Kate:            I will cherish our relationship

                    and hold it as the most sacred of earthly intimacies.


Carole:         I will support your dedication to giving with open hands
                    and encourage your quest to seek the balance

                    between heart and mind.


Kate:            I will honor you with all that I am and all that I have.

Kate & Carole:  We commit to travel the remainder of our camino together!


The ring is a symbol of unity into which two lives are joined.  An unbroken circle symbolizes a commitment of love that is never ending.  As often as either of you looks at this symbol, I hope that you will be reminded of the commitment to love each other, which you have made today. Wherever you go, may you always return to one another.


this is a moment of celebration.  Let it also be a moment of dedication. Every marriage needs the love, nurture and support of a network of friends and family. In the moment of silence that follows, I ask each of you, in your own way, to confer a silent prayer, blessing, wish or hope upon this couple.


Moment of silence


May the love you have found grow in meaning and strength until its beauty is shown in a common devotion to all that is compassionate and life-giving.  May the flow of your love help brighten the face of the earth.  May the Source of all love touch and bless you and grace your lives with color and courage.

Now, by the vows and symbols you have exchanged and by the power and authority of your love for each other, which has its source in the universal Spirit of Love, we do recognize and proclaim your relationship as legally married partners for life.


          “Let the Bright Seraphim”                                Handel



Summer 2010 - The Wrath of a Loving God?
Pentecost 2010