An Open Letter to Bishop Budde
Episcopal Church House
Mount St. Alban
Washington, DC 20016
Dear Bishop Budde:
We are writing to thank you for your inspiring and courageous sermon
at the National Prayer Service. Along with so many other
congregations, we stand with you in solidarity and faith. It is so
important, in this terrifying time, that the word of Jesus be preached
and understood as a word of love and mercy. There is no power on
Earth that can stand against this word, not even those in the highest
political offices.
We will keep you gratefully in our prayers.
With blessings,
The Seekers Church Community
“Being Indigenous: A Way of Life to Heal Earth & Each Other” and “Full of the Holy Spirit” are the topics of two courses offered in the School for Christian growth Feb. 4 – Mar 11
Being Indigenous: A Way of Life to Heal Earth & Each Other
Leaders: Kolya Braun-Greiner and Lucy Slater
Tuesdays: Feb. 4-March 11 – In Person with simple meal at 6:30, class 7-8:30pm
What does being indigenous mean? How does that differ from the dominant Western culture? How is that dominant culture at odds with our own natural (indigenous) relationships with Earth? Together we’ll explore how being indigenous is consistent with the roots of our faith. How can we be in solidarity with indigenous peoples and with Earth?
We’ll draw upon chapters of Penobscot lawyer, Sherri Mitchell’s Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change. The chapters we’ll be discussing will be summarized by the leaders, but getting the book is encouraged.
We will meet in person beginning with a simple meal together at 6:30 and class at 7:00 to 8:30 pm.
“Full of the Holy Spirit”– The Gospel of Luke and The Acts of the Apostles
Leaders: Marjory Bankson and David Lloyd
Tuesdays: Feb. 4-March 11 – On Zoom, 7:00-8:30pm
Without Acts, a reader of Luke’s gospel would wonder what happened after Jesus’ resurrection. Without the gospel narrative of Jesus’ life and ministry, a reader of Acts would wonder why the Church came to exist. Luke wrote both to provide a narrative of the Holy Spirit working in the lives of Jesus, the disciples, and early converts. As we read and discuss both books, we’ll look for situations where the Holy Spirit was active – and is evident today. Expect weekly reading and some writing assignments.

Seekers Art Gallery presents “Rachel Carson: The Sense of Wonder” A photography exhibit by Keith Kozloff
Opening Reception Sunday, February 2nd, 2025 12 PM (noon) – 2:30 PM
Carroll Café, January 17, 2025
The next Carroll Cafe Concert January 17, 2025 at 7:30 pm features Cathy Fink & Marcy MarxerIn this very special duo concert, Cathy & Marcy will debut a large handful of brand new songs never performed before, along with their multi-genre repertoire, and versatile instrumentation on the banjo, cello banjo, guitar and ukulele. A portion of the concert will also be dedicated to community singing. This is a rare local duo show, and certainly the first of the year! To buy your ticket or reserve your spot (and pay at the door), go here:… |
School of Christian Growth, January, 2025
“Taking On (White) Christian Nationalism” and “Have it Your Way – Decisions about Your Death” are the topics of two short courses offered in the School for Christian growth this January.
Below are the descriptions of them and if you wish to register, please send an email to John Morris at
Taking On (White) Christian Nationalism
Leader: Paul Holmes
Tuesdays: Jan. 7, 14, 21 – In Person
“Jesus said the Gospel is about good news to the poor, healing to the brokenhearted, welcoming all people, caring for the least of these: the immigrant, the hungry, the sick, the imprisoned. Christian nationalism attempts to sanctify oppression and not liberation. It attempts to sanctify lies and not truth.” Rev. William J. Barber II, CNN, January 21, 2023
Learning from faith leaders, biblical contexts, media and each other, we will begin to explore what White Christian Nationalism is, what it could mean for our world and to our faith; and how we might respond as individuals and as the Seekers Church community.
We will meet in person beginning with a bring-your-own dinner together at 6:30 and class at 7:00 to 8:30 pm.
Have it Your Way – Decisions about Your Death
Leader: Cynthia Dahlin
Tuesdays: Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28 – On Zoom
Have you completed and circulated your Five Wishes document? If you have, that’s great, and you may still have questions about preparing for your death. You might also need to consider some of the decisions involved that this class will allow you to discuss while exploring the meaning of your choices. We’ll have short readings and use a workbook, contained in the book I’ll Have It My Way: Taking Control of End of Life Decisions: a Book about Freedom & Peace by Hattie Bryant. You will be asked to read chapter 1 and complete workbook pages 184-191 before the first class. The book is out of print but some copies will be available for class members at Seekers Church from Cynthia Dahlin, or can be purchased now on Amazon or a used copy on Thriftbooks.