Stewards Minutes

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2024 February Stewards Minutes


 Stewards Minutes

Feb 11, 2024

Present: Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson, Ken Burton (moderator), Cynthia Dahlin, Joan Dodge, Judy Lantz, David Lloyd (meditation), Sandra Miller, John Morris (recorder), Trish Nemore, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen, Glen Yakushiji, Margreta Silverstone.

Absent:  Keith Seat, Brenda Seat

Meditation: Dave read a passage from an article in the Christian Century about Transfiguration and digital images

Housekeeping: Stewards will next meet Sunday, March 10, at 4 pm EDT on Zoom.

Moderator – Deborah

Recorder — Ken

Meditation – Sandra

FOG Report: Marjory gave the end-of-year report (attached).  Both contributions and space rental are well above budget, which is good news.  Building expenses are higher, due to the need for a new roof, but this can be made up with money from the Building Reserve.  In general, everything looks healthy.

Time and Space Report on Building Use (attached): Peter and Glen reported that there were 111 events at the Seekers building in 2023.  This represents a big increase, nearly 100%, over 2022.  Some of the smaller worship communities we hosted pre-Covid are also returning.  Sandra mentioned that some of the lights in the gallery area do not work.  Martha’s Mob and, if necessary, Time and Space will look into this.

Officer Election:  Our board bylaws require annual election of officers.  Steward voted to re-elect the current four officers: Keith (president); Deborah (vice-president); Dave (secretary); and Marjory (treasurer).

Sound Equipment: Glen reported that our audio mixer, which we use for Carroll Cafe and other events, is wearing out and needs to be replaced.  It is the original mixer, purchased ~20 years ago.  Glen found a much better, state-of-the-art mixer for an excellent price, $900.  Stewards approved this purchase.

Website Report:  Margreta, with Deborah’s help, went over the current concerns about the website.  Stewards broke into small groups and spent ~15 minutes discussing five questions about website use (see attached reports from each small group).  Margreta presented a website proposal to address some of these issues (attached).  Various ways of continuing and improving our website, given Deborah’s need to pull back from week-to-week operations, were suggested and discussed.  The most pressing issue seemed to be how to “parent” the website – that is, make sure it is updated and edited in a timely fashion.  The Stewards approved the suggestion in the proposal that we hire DreamCare at $59/mo to manage software updates, hacking threats, performance reports, and the like.  Margreta also called for the formation of a team to further discuss the parenting issue, with representation from all mission groups.  The following Stewards volunteered for this team: Margreta (leader), Peter, Joan, Ken, Deborah, Marjory, and Judy.

Pastoral Concerns were offered.

Two Stewards Shared – Joan and Cynthia.

Soul Talk – no notes.

Submitted by John Morris (2/19/2024)
