Stewards Minutes

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2023 April Stewards Minutes


 Stewards Minutes

April 2, 2023

Present: Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson, Ken Burton (moderator), Cynthia Dahlin, Joan Dodge, Elizabeth Gelfeld, Judy Lantz, David Lloyd, Sandra Miller (meditation), John Morris (recorder), Trish Nemore, Keith Seat, Brenda Seat, Vincent Shepherd, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen, Glen Yakushiji.

Absent: Margreta Silverstone

Guests:  Kevin Barwick, Anita Jackson

Meditation: Sandra read Teresa of Avila’s prayer, “Christ has no body but yours. . .”

Housekeeping: Stewards will next meet via zoom Sunday, May 7 at 5pm EDT on Zoom.

Moderator – Deborah

Recorder — Judy

Meditation – Joan

Easter Breakfast / Brunch: Dave discussed the possibility of tables on the back porch with juice, coffee, and pastries provided. Alternatively, Judy said we could go to her house, where she’s having an Easter Egg hunt.  Stewards thought this alternative sounded great, and approved it.

In-Person Stewards Meetings?: Joan walked us through the document she and Peter prepared on this topic (attached).  The recommendation is to reconsider meeting in person in August, but continue to meet on Zoom until then.  So the question would be on the agenda for the July Stewards meeting.  Stewards approved this.

SLT Review Team:  Trish explained that while a one-year review had been suggested for Jacqie and Margreta when they joined the SLT, no one on the current SLT felt that was necessary as the team members are working well together.  Several Stewards recalled that there had been questions when they came on about the strength of their call to the team as well as about length of tenure to which they were committing.  Jacqie stated that she does feel called to the team and has no intentions of leaving any time soon.  Margreta was away so could not respond. Peter recommended reconsidering the question when Margreta would be at the meeting.

On a separate matter, Dave and Trish are both due for a review and Dave expressed a desire to have a team now to help him better discern his current call to the SLT.  Trish expressed no similar urgency.  Deborah, Sandra and Anita volunteered to create a review team for Dave, seeking additional members from the wider community.

By-laws review: Keith reviewed the current status of the by-laws, especially as regards video meetings in light of the Covid lockdown.  He is not aware of any changes that need to be made right now.  So we will go forward with the by-laws as they stand.

Report on Stillpoint and Rolling Ridge: Kevin is our liaison with Rolling Ridge and Stillpoint, and gave his report summarizing the recent developments at the two locations.  The retreat house at RR is being used frequently.  At Stillpoint, Seekers holds various retreats but Kevin believes it is underused.  Stillpoint needs about $16,000 a year for expenses.  Revenue has fallen short.  Seekers has contributed help but the Stillpoint committee needs to solicit another gift.  They’re doing what they can to keep it going but it needs a lot of upkeep.  A new roof may be needed soon too.  The Stillpoint committee is trying to get more AirBnB people there, post-pandemic.  Help is needed from all Seekers to get the word out about what a great place Stillpoint is for retreats.  They can use more “modern” furniture and wall decorations if anyone has any to donate.  Also working on gardening issues.

Keith said that Earth & Spirit will invite people to Stillpoint during the 1st week of May.  Contact info for retreats: Lana Portolano @ 240-441-0597. Email:

Sandra said that Stillpoint could become a member of Homegrown National if they plant enough native species.

FOG Recommendation for Using Income from 2022: Marjory showed the breakdown (attached), which includes funding for the Holy Spirit Fund, a refugee assistance agency, the Capital Area Food Bank, and OMG for advertising Seekers to nearby residents.  The total amount is $43,000.  These recommendations were accepted by Stewards.

Keith described some outreach efforts funded by the proposed $2,500 to OMG, including direct mailings.  If it isn’t all used, it can go back into the Seekers budget.

Celebration of Katie Fisher: Marjory said that we will celebrate Katie after worship on May 14.  Several Stewards volunteered to help.

Pastoral Concerns were offered.

Two Stewards Shared – Peter and Glen

Soul Talk – no notes.

Submitted by John Morris (4/12/2023)
