
Seekers recognizes that any member of the community may be called upon by God to give us the Word, and thus we have an open pulpit with a different preacher each week. Sermons preached at Seekers, as well as sermons preached by Seekers at other churches or events, are posted here, beginning with the most recent.

Click here for an archive of our sermons.

Feel free to use what is helpful from these sermons. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and the author, and cite the URL.

“Structure, Surprise and Sabbath” by Alfonso (Sito) Sasieto

June 2, 2024

Second Sunday after Pentecost

Mark 2:23-3:6

Psalm 139

1 Samuel 3:1-10


Good morning!

It is really exciting to be here; it’s my first time & my family’s first time; I’ve been going to 8th Day for the last 10 years or so, and so it feels nice to be among extended family. However, today, I join you all not only as a representative of the Church of the Saviour, but also as a representative of L’Arche, alongside Nicorria, Crisely, and Fritz.

Originally, Jeanne and I weren’t sure about the date when we would come, and we actually set the date June 2 before we knew about Emmy Lu’s death. Given the last two days celebrating Emmy Lu, it seems especially sacred to be able to share how today’s gospel intersects with our communal life in L’Arche…and to say thank you for your friendship as a community over these many years.

Our L’Arche community was founded in 1983. Our first L’Arche home on Ontario Road in Adams Morgan was sold to us for one cent from the Church of the Savior. It was then that our community took shape & people with and without disabilities began to share their lives together in a community.


“Building Peace in the Solomon Islands” by Ron Kraybill

May 26, 2024


My mission this morning is to convey to you something from my experience in the Solomon Islands, and to draw on the scripture in today’s liturgy in doing so.  

I was appointed as peacebuilding advisor by the United Nations for a 6 month term, November to April. The Solomon Islands has a history of political violence often triggered around elections.  From 1998 to 2003 the entire country was paralyzed as a result.  During that time and twice since then, protesters looted and torched shops in the Chinatown District of Honiara, the capital city.    


“Collected Stories from a Book Study Class” by Brenda Seat and Others

May 19, 2024


Collected Stories

From the Book Study Class on

This Is Why I Came by Mary Rakow


Serendipitously, our reflection for Pentecost says, “We are the vessels of God’s voice, her words blowing through us, bidding us to tell the tales that only we can speak.” Jan L. Richardson, In Wisdom’s Path

That is exactly what we are offering this morning.

Last term in the School of Christian Growth I lead a book study on Mary Rakow’s book entitled This is Why I Came. This is a novel about an older woman who has not been to church, to confession or received the sacrements in over 30 years. We do not know what caused the rift but what we do have is a collection of stories that she wrote trying to make sense of her faith, of God and the biblicial stories.


“Calming the Tempest” by Maybelle Taylor Bennett

May 5, 2024

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Good morning, Seekers.

I want to thank the Celebration Circle for inviting me to bring the message this morning, and for my close friends who have kept me connected to this community in a variety of ways.

Moment of Silence

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, Holy One!


We live in turbulent and frightening times, and when Jeanne asked if I would bring the message, what was top of mind for me was how are we who are followers of Jesus to weather times like these.


“A Resurrection Love for Earth” by Kolya Braun-Greiner

April 28, 2024

Fifth Sunday of Easter

The Saturday of our Silent Retreat at Dayspring was bookended on either side with cloudy, gloomy days. But Saturday – Oh, springtime beauty was in full bucolic glory! What at blessing it was!  Beauty shows up especially in the Wisdom tradition of the Bible.  The Holy One is the author of beauty (Wisdom 13:3); strength and beauty is found in the sanctuary of the Holy One (Ps. 96:6). Certainly Dayspring is a sanctuary where the beauty God has created is fully evident. What if we considered the whole Earth the sanctuary of God?
