
Seekers recognizes that any member of the community may be called upon by God to give us the Word, and thus we have an open pulpit with a different preacher each week. Sermons preached at Seekers, as well as sermons preached by Seekers at other churches or events, are posted here, beginning with the most recent.

Click here for an archive of our sermons.

Feel free to use what is helpful from these sermons. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and the author, and cite the URL.

A Sermon about Christ House by Jayme Epstein and Micheal J

May 2, 2021

pastel drawing by Martha Phillips

The Fifth Sunday of Easter

Jayme Epstein is the volunteer coordinator at Christ House, one of the ministries that grew out of the Church of the Saviour. Micheal J is a member of the Kairos permanent housing program.

Good morning, and thank you for inviting us to join you this morning. Micheal and I are delighted to have the opportunity to share the Christ House story with you.

Our Director of Development shares a story that captures the essence of Christ House: one morning, she greeted one of the patients, saying, “It’s nice to see you today!” And he responded, “It’s nice to be seen.”

Seeing the full humanity of each person who walks through our doors and doing all we can to assist them in being all that they can be is the simple goal of everyone who works at Christ House. When asked the highlight of their work with Christ House, staff and volunteers alike often reply, “Witnessing the transformation of individuals who come to us sick and experiencing homelessness.”


“The Good Shepherd” by Erica Lloyd

April 25, 2021

pastel drawing by Martha Phillips

The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Those of you with whom I’ve discussed preaching know that I preach once every few months because it generally takes me that long to write a sermon. I’ve been working on a sermon about today’s epistle passage since late February. I’ve been wrestling with issues around giving, and John’s question really got me: “How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a neighbor in need and yet refuses to help?” It hit me in gut in the way that for me has only come to mean I need to sign up to preach, because I need to dedicate time and effort to the wrestling match between my heart and scripture.

This sermon was particularly slow in coming together, in part because I’m still really struggling with how to apply some of the insights I’ve gained to a very real situation in my life.

But it’s possible that the sermon wasn’t coming together because the Holy Spirit decided we had other plans. Earlier this week, I decided to shelve that sermon. Because I have this pulpit on this particular Sunday, I need to talk about the police.


“How Do We Announce Peace?” by Gilberto Quesada Mora

April 18, 2021

pastel drawing by Martha Phillips

The Third Sunday of Easter

Our guest speaker this morning was Gilberto Quesada Mora, pastor of the Costa Rican Lutheran Church and director of the church’s Refugee Center. He spoke in Spanish, with Oswaldo Montoya providing an English translation at the end of each paragraph. Below is the text in Spanish and in English.

En medio de este contexto de pandemia y de nuevos casos, pero también de vacunas, vale la pena gritar muy fuerte Paz a ustedes…de la misma manera que Jesús lo dice a sus discípulos.

En este momento de la historia es muy difícil proclamar la paz, pues nuestro mundo está amenazado por todos lados tanto por Covid, pero también por la violencia, la desconfianza, la miseria, la corrupción y la destrucción progresiva del Planeta.

In the context of the pandemic, with new cases continuing but also with more people being vaccinated, it is worthwhile to shout out strongly, “Peace be with you!” … in the same way that Jesus greeted his disciples.

In this moment of history it is very difficult to proclaim peace, as our world is threatened on all sides not only by Covid-19 but also by violence, distrust, misery, corruption, and the progressive destruction of the planet.


“Radical Interdependence” by Kolya Braun-Greiner and other members of the Earth&Spirit Mission Group

April 11, 2021

pastel drawing by Martha Phillips

The Second Sunday of Easter

Kolya: Today’s sermon is a collaborative effort of the Earth & Spirit Mission Group. We begin by sharing some passages from this week’s lectionary along with ways these scriptures can be understood through our experiences of the natural world.

Keith:  John 20:29 Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.  
Sharon:  We, members of Earth & Spirit, who have seen Christ in the natural world, have also believed… 

Judy:  1 John 1:1 We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life…
Claire:  We, members of Earth & Spirit have seen with our eyes and touched with our hands the word of life expressed in God’s exquisite Creation.

Kevin:  Acts 4:32  Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.

Kolya:  The early Christian community in Acts was challenged to level the disparities among them by becoming of “one heart and mind [or soul].  No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had in common.” This was a radical sharing forming a community of radical interdependence, counter-cultural to that of the empire, which was stratified by wealth and centralized power.


“What Does Resurrection Look LIke” by Marjory Bankson

April 4, 2021

pastel drawing by Martha Phillips

Easter Sunday

What Does Resurrection Look Like? To you? To us — today? Be holding that question as we turn to the text for this Easter Sunday.

While it was still dark, Mary Magdalene made her way through the shadows to the tomb where Jesus lay wrapped in linen cloths. The horror of what she had seen of his slow death weighted each step. She barely thought about how she would move the heavy stone that sealed the entrance. Why hadn’t she asked Peter, or John to come? She only knew she had go, to be close to his final resting place.

Only John tells the story this way: that two high-ranking officials, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, the one who came to Jesus at night, had asked Pilate for Jesus’ tortured body before their Sabbath began – had treated it with spices, wrapped it in linen cloths and laid his body in a fresh tomb – not stacked with others. Mary had seen it all, standing with the other women throughout the agonizing ordeal. But now she came alone, drawn there by love and grief.

Imagine her shock when she saw the stone had been rolled away! The answer was obvious. THEY had taken his body. She thought she knew what had happened.
