
Seekers recognizes that any member of the community may be called upon by God to give us the Word, and thus we have an open pulpit with a different preacher each week. Sermons preached at Seekers, as well as sermons preached by Seekers at other churches or events, are posted here, beginning with the most recent.

Click here for an archive of our sermons.

Feel free to use what is helpful from these sermons. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and the author, and cite the URL.

Pat Conover: Anger at Injustice

January 28, 1996

These are the verses following the lectionary selected verses. I picked them because they are relevant to the theme of this sermon, but also to make the point that these kinds of verses are often left out because they deal with anger.


Deborah Sokolove: Considering Incarnation

December 31, 1995

The story of escape to and return from Egypt echoes the tale of Joseph going down into Egypt, and Moses leading the Israelites out again. It is also a foreshadowing of the connection between Jesus and the Passover sacrifice, which is made more explicit at the end of the Gospel.


Ronald Arms: A Gentle, Skillful Power

November 12, 1995

Once upon a time there was a man who lived alone in his apartment. When he got home from his day of work, the most frightening minutes of all were those spent unlocking the four locks on his door. The main lock was especially costly and had quite a special key. Once inside, he re-fastened the four locks, then pushed home the two bolts, and finally attached the chain. Safe inside, he made his supper and then watched television. Whether he watched news or movies, it was the same — war, murder, rape and robbery. He kept the lights low and the heavy curtains drawn. It was a dark apartment.


Ronald Arms: A Samaritan Thank You

October 15, 1995

The story of Jesus healing the ten lepers is unique to Luke’s gospel. Critics disagree on its proper title, its literary category and historical origins. Its theological message is also a subject of debate. The story begins with a confusing geographical reference. It is the only place in the Bible where people who are not disciples call Jesus “master.” The text also uses a word for “foreigner” not found elsewhere in the New Testament. This is a complex passage. If we would allow this story to speak to us, we will allow its complexity to put us on the spot.