
Seekers recognizes that any member of the community may be called upon by God to give us the Word, and thus we have an open pulpit with a different preacher each week. Sermons preached at Seekers, as well as sermons preached by Seekers at other churches or events, are posted here, beginning with the most recent.

Click here for an archive of our sermons.

Feel free to use what is helpful from these sermons. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and the author, and cite the URL.

Trish Nemore: Talking about Boys

July 14, 1996

I want to talk today about expanding opportunities for boys in two arenas: first, in terms of what our culture names, in our bipolar gender language, as feminine and second, in expanding our understanding of the so-called masculine virtues of courage, toughness and strength.


Marjory Zoet Bankson: Seekers’ Pentecostal Roots

July 07, 1996

20 years ago this week, Peter and I came to this church for the first time. I remember because our household goods were delivered the day before the Nation’s Bicentennial and we watched a few of the highest fireworks from our back porch the next day. Having read about Church of the Saviour in FAITH AT WORK magazine and taught from Elizabeth O’Connor’s Eighth Day of Creation while we were in Kansas, we looked forward to being part of this creative community.


Marjory Zoet Bankson: Seekers' Pentecostal Roots

July 07, 1996

20 years ago this week, Peter and I came to this church for the first time. I remember because our household goods were delivered the day before the Nation’s Bicentennial and we watched a few of the highest fireworks from our back porch the next day. Having read about Church of the Saviour in FAITH AT WORK magazine and taught from Elizabeth O’Connor’s Eighth Day of Creation while we were in Kansas, we looked forward to being part of this creative community.


Marjory Zoet Bankson: LECH-LECHA: Go Forth

June 30, 1996

At the literal level, the gospel reading for today is fairly obvious: even a cup of cold water constitutes mission in the name of Jesus. And, in an age of quick rewards and tight schedules, maybe that’s all we have time for! But the context of this reading from Matthew suggests a deeper theme — one that puts it squarely in the middle of Pentecost and what it means to live with the Holy Spirit.