
Seekers recognizes that any member of the community may be called upon by God to give us the Word, and thus we have an open pulpit with a different preacher each week. Sermons preached at Seekers, as well as sermons preached by Seekers at other churches or events, are posted here, beginning with the most recent.

Click here for an archive of our sermons.

Feel free to use what is helpful from these sermons. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and the author, and cite the URL.

“A Journey of Recovery” by Joan and Doug Dodge

Paper doves symbolizing peace hang from the ceiling under a mural at the Church of the Most Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Lviv, Ukraine. Credit: SOPA Images Limited/Alamy Live News

The Sixth Sunday of Easter

May 22, 2022

Celebration Circle asked if I wanted to share my illness and year-long recovery process.  Some events I remember clearly while others I have forgotten completely.

Also, my journey was a journey that my husband, Doug, was on too. He is going to share his experience being a caregiver too.


“Understanding, Appreciating, Investing in Seekers as a Progressive Christian Community” by Pat Conover

Paper doves symbolizing peace hang from the ceiling under a mural at the Church of the Most Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Lviv, Ukraine. Credit: SOPA Images Limited/Alamy Live News

The Fifth Sunday of Easter

May 15, 2022

The author of the Gospel of John wrote in a time when the Jewish Synagogue of Jesus had become the mostly Gentile Church of Christ. He put the following words in the mouth of Jesus. “I am going away and will come back to you.” Whether a spiritual or a body return, this passage in John, as for all the lectionary scriptures today, is focused on salvation on Earth.

Luke’s words in Acts were written a generation or more earlier than John, and presented stories about an even earlier generation, when the transition from a Jewish base to a Gentile base was a big cultural, spiritual, and practical challenge. For one thing, in Acts the worship settings were often homes rather than synagogues. Luke places this Peter story in the two Israeli Mediterranean port cities of Joppa and Caesaria  Port cities are commonly multi-cultural environments. He presents Peter as having a vision. God says “…don’t call unclean what God counts clean.”


“Mother’s Day Memories” by Larry Rawlings

Paper doves symbolizing peace hang from the ceiling under a mural at the Church of the Most Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Lviv, Ukraine. Credit: SOPA Images Limited/Alamy Live News

The Fourth Sunday of Easter

May 8, 2022

Larry spoke about his memories of his mother, and invited other Seekers to offer memories of their own mothers. There is no text available for those stories. However, Larry did provide the following texts of his opening prayer and his closing words.


“A Rising Song” by Jim Marsh

Paper doves symbolizing peace hang from the ceiling under a mural at the Church of the Most Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Lviv, Ukraine. Credit: SOPA Images Limited/Alamy Live News

The Third Sunday of Easter

May 1, 2022

Jim Walsh spoke of his struggle to write his recent reflection on Easter, “A Rising Song” for the Inward/Outward blog where he is a regular contributor, and a moment of unitive consciousness that came upon him in the process.


“Following a Wounded God” by Brenda Seat

Paper doves symbolizing peace hang from the ceiling under a mural at the Church of the Most Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Lviv, Ukraine. Credit: SOPA Images Limited/Alamy Live News

The Second Sunday of Easter

April 24, 2022

Good morning!

I am preaching today because I opened my big mouth. A few weeks ago, in one of our Celebration Circle mission group meetings we were discussing the new Easter liturgy we were working on, someone raised a question about certain phrases and I vigorously defended them. Before I knew it, I was signed up to preach this Sunday. I didn’t even know what the Scriptures were until after our mission group meeting was over.

Luckily, the gospel lesson is about Thomas. I have always had a kind of affinity for Thomas. I know he is pejoratively called “Doubting Thomas,” but it always seemed to me that he just said what everyone else was thinking. He just opened his big mouth and said it. So, I feel a certain amount of kinship with Thomas.
