
Seekers recognizes that any member of the community may be called upon by God to give us the Word, and thus we have an open pulpit with a different preacher each week. Sermons preached at Seekers, as well as sermons preached by Seekers at other churches or events, are posted here, beginning with the most recent.

Click here for an archive of our sermons.

Feel free to use what is helpful from these sermons. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and the author, and cite the URL.

Jeanne Marcus: Salvation History Lessons

November 09, 1997

The story seems more Naomi’s than Ruth’s. Ruth marries Boaz, and gives birth to a son. But the strange thing is: from that point on, nothing is seen or heard of either Ruth or Boaz again. They disappear! Instead, everyone turns to Naomi, congratulating her on the baby who restores her to life.


Dan Phillips: A Faith Trip to China

October 26, 1997

What did China offer as a stop on the Faith Journey? First, it taught the immediacy of prayer. Every time we climbed into an automobile there, we began to pray. It had something to do with the traffic. The Chinese do not stop! I saw no stop signs in the entire country, and only a minimum of traffic lights. Instead, they come to a corner, and slow down, and merge into the oncoming traffic. Now this approach is very scary to an American, but it works there. And over time I came to understand that there is a method to this seeming madness: they trust each other.


Peter Bankson: What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?

October 12, 1997

Today we made a commitment to this community — together. Instead of the Cub Scout oath — the cub scout helps the pack go; the pack helps the cub scout grow; the cub scout gives good will — our motto might be: “Each of us helps Seekers go; Seekers helps each of us grow; Seekers Church does God’s will.”


Deborah Sokolove: Thinking About Commitment

October 05, 1997

As a person who has been divorced twice, and is now at last happily married, I would rather not deal with a teaching that seems to say that remarriage is the same as adultery. But since it is in the lectionary this week, it is better to talk about it than to read it aloud in church (or silently by ourselves) and then pretend we had not noticed.


Ken Burton: A View From the Threshold

September 28, 1997

In 1992, I visited Seekers for the first time. This was something of a homecoming, since I written a paper about the church for a Sociology of Religion course. I instantly felt at home here. This is remarkable for me. It often takes me a long time to feel at home in new surroundings. My comfort was due in part to the warmth with which I was received and the sense of love embodied that seemed to appear and reappear in interactions of Seekers with one another and in the larger life of the community. I had been a Quaker for twenty years and had experienced this sense of community in that context, but never with the consistency and intensity found here. I fell in love with Seekers!