Seekers recognizes that any member of the community may be called upon by God to give us the Word, and thus we have an open pulpit with a different preacher each week. Sermons preached at Seekers, as well as sermons preached by Seekers at other churches or events, are posted here, beginning with the most recent.
Click here for an archive of our sermons.
Feel free to use what is helpful from these sermons. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and the author, and cite the URL.
“The Good News of Transformation” by Brenda Seat
July 3, 2022
We have an interesting set of texts this morning to work with:
We have Naaman complaining because what he was asked to do was too easy.
We have Paul writing to the church in Galatia, saying, “sow from the Spirit so that the harvest is of the Spirit,” explaining that it is an inner transformation which is the goal in following Jesus, not anything we do outwardly to our bodies.
And in Luke, Jesus gives his disciples instructions on how to carry the good news to all who will listen. Jesus tells his disciples to proclaim to all who will listen, “The kin-dom of God has come near to you!”
“Reclaiming ‘Christianity’ for Jesus” by Paul Holmes
June 19, 2022
Good morning. Before getting into my sermon, I want to simply acknowledge Father’s Day and Juneteenth. One year ago today, our nation created an official holiday to celebrate the freedom of those who were enslaved…
Those who preach from this podium often speak of being intimidated. Here’s one reason why. We’ve got lots of lawyers. Additionally, we’ve got the ordained, the professors, the sponsors and practitioners of 12-step programs. We’ve got biblical scholars. We’ve got the contemplatives and those firmly committed to daily disciplines of scripture reading, journaling, and prayer. For those standing at this podium, Seekers is a tough crowd.
“Does not wisdom call, and does not understanding raise her voice? ” by Sandra Miller
June 12, 2022
Good morning. In Jeremiah 1:9, Jeremiah denied skill in oratory, and the Holy One’s answer was that the words which he has to speak were not his own. The words were given to Jeremiah by God. So, I pray,
“O God, may you touch my lips that the words I utter are the words you have put there for me to speak”. May it be so.
This is Trinity Sunday, a time to rest deeply in all that is Holy, accessible in our lives as Most Wonderful Creator, Jesus who walks among us, and as Wisdom, all of whom I believe we not only rest in, but who are indwelling in each of us. I describe indwelling by borrowing from and paraphrasing the poet and author Mark Doty: each human who understands the unknowable, the self, and the smallest elements of our environment on this earth, understands the Trinity.
“Pentecost and the Sacred Feminine” by Jacqie Wallen
June 5, 2022
I love the story of Pentecost and have already preached here on Pentecost Sunday several times. Each time, I find something new to be surprised by about Pentecost and this time is no exception. My new perceptions this time have been shaped by two recent experiences. One is the Sophia class that Marjory taught in the School for Christian Growth, the other is the book study meetings on Cynthia Bourgeault’s book, the Heart of Centering Prayer sponsored Covenant Christian Community, our sister church. Before I explain how these experiences have affected my understanding of the Pentecost story, let me spend a few minutes setting the scene:
Jesus’ disciples and followers were gathered in their meeting place in Jerusalem, referred to as the “upper room.” The women are rarely discussed, but they were there. Since they are rarely mentioned in the Scriptures, we don’t know how many of the people in the room were women.. But we do know that among them were Jesus’ mother, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Joanna (the wife of Herod’s steward), several other Marys, spouses of the disciples, and a number of other women who were followers of Jesus, just to name a few that are explicitly referred to. Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary, James’ mother had been there at the crucifixion and later told the disciples about the empty tomb and the risen Christ (and were not, at first, believed).
“Preaching Ascension” by Ken Burton
The Seventh Sunday of Easter
May 29, 2022
Today is Ascension Sunday, a Sunday on which we celebrate the traditional Feast of Ascension. That actually falls on the fortieth day after Easter, which is always a Thursday, but since getting the faithful together for a worship service on a weekday has become something of a challenge, the celebration of Ascension is postponed to the following Sunday. The truth is that in recent years, here at Seekers, Celebration Circle has chosen to skip it entirely and instead work with the Sunday in question as simply the Seventh after Easter, an option provided by the lectionary. This is because even Christians who struggle to see the Bible as a fully historical account often have trouble with this image of Jesus saying a final good-bye to his disciples and ascending into heaven riding on a cloud. One view is that, given the assumption of the three-tiered universe, with heaven above, hell below and earth in between, it was necessary to find a way to get Jesus back into heaven. He had, so this story goes, returned to earth when he was resurrected, but was also destined to spend eternity “sitting at the right hand” of God in heaven, hence the need for the ascension story. From this perspective, letting this traditional Christian feast go by with little or no attention was probably a good idea!
This year, however, I asked fellow members Celebration Circle to include the Ascension lections and said that I would preach that Sunday, so here I am.