Seekers recognizes that any member of the community may be called upon by God to give us the Word, and thus we have an open pulpit with a different preacher each week. Sermons preached at Seekers, as well as sermons preached by Seekers at other churches or events, are posted here, beginning with the most recent.
Click here for an archive of our sermons.
Feel free to use what is helpful from these sermons. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and the author, and cite the URL.
Brenda Seat: Tales from the Borderlands
February 06, 2000
In some traditional Japanese dances, the dancer appears with a fan covering her face. As the dance progresses, the dancer uses the long sleeve of her kimono to continue to hide her face, making intricate movements with the fan. If you focused only on catching a glimpse of her face, you will miss the wonderful movements of the fan. If you focus only on the fan, you miss seeing the face of the one who is holding the fan. It is only when you see the dance in its totality that you understand the story. My awareness of the interaction between the Holy and my daily life is like that.
Kate Amoss: Pleasantville Blues
January 09, 2000
What I have learned from the Bible and what I have learned in my Psychology texts complement each other. Psychologists talk of self-esteem, defenses, true and false selves, transitional space, projections. Jesus speaks of all the same things using the metaphors of lamps under bushels, mustard seeds, wedding feasts, splinters in the eye and treasures in the ground.
Marjory Zoet Bankson: Realities from the Circle
December 26, 1999
That Luke included a man and a woman here tells us something about his image of God, “male and female” as Genesis puts it. Simeon speaks directly to Mary, thereby stretching tradition and Anna is associated with the Temple, a clear reversal of roles that traditionally would have made that the prerogative of male priests. Instead of the Temple hierarchy, we have two lay people, a man and a woman, offering God’s word to Mary, Joseph and the others gathered round. Luke seems to be telling us that God’s way breaks through the usual patterns of power.
Pat Conover: The Advent of Justice
December 12, 1999
Most of you know that I have spent my career in the United Church of Christ working on economic justice within the United States so you may be surprised that I am talking about poverty and development in a global context. Part of the reason is that I have recently been assigned the task of helping the UCC begin to do more of its justice work within a global perspective. I have been putting a lot of energy into a conference that will address the issues of global economic integration as they affect farming and ranching.
Dave and Jackie McMakin: Good Seed for the Future
December 05, 1999
We spent six weeks in Guatemala this fall, five studying Spanish. Jackie moved from a five to a six on a scale of ten. Being linguistically impaired, I moved from a zero to maybe a one. Nevertheless, we learned a lot more than language. There are rare occasions when both the combination of need and a key person to address the need coincide. Doing interesting things is not enough. Having a vision to really make a difference for the future matters.