
Seekers recognizes that any member of the community may be called upon by God to give us the Word, and thus we have an open pulpit with a different preacher each week. Sermons preached at Seekers, as well as sermons preached by Seekers at other churches or events, are posted here, beginning with the most recent.

Click here for an archive of our sermons.

Feel free to use what is helpful from these sermons. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and the author, and cite the URL.

Sermon outline by Rob Benson: Moving on to Maine

July 21, 2002

Rob Benson spoke about the importance of Seekers in his and Cristy’s journeys and noted that Seekers has offered opportunities for growth, nurture, and fellowship which have renewed hope and bolstered the feelings of community and support, particularly as they welcomed Peter, their son, into their lives. He said that Seekers was “the condition of the possibility” for Peter’s birth and for Rob’s birth as a parent. And as he, Cristy, and Peter prepare to move to Maine, he recounted some growing edges which they will face which Seekers has helped them to discern and claim.


Pat Conover: Seeds of Hope

July 14, 2002

The Call of the Seeds of Hope Mission Group emphasizes that we believe God is ever active with other Christians, and with other people of faith, calling and luring them to transformative engagement and faithful service. We do not have to carry or plant seeds. God has already done that. What we hope is that we can notice the seeds and share some gardening tips. Remember that every seed is precious. The call is not merely about what Seekers has taught us. It is about what Seekers has prepared us for.


Margreta Silverstone: Invitation and Attitude for an Unexpected Life

July 07, 2002 The people we will be with will be poor. They have a life expectancy much less than mine. They will have had less formal education than I will. I will be in areas where I may be at risk of violence. All of these things could lead me to both fear for my safety and think of myself as being better. I know and choose an attitude of openness to what I will see of beauty, to what I will learn of purity, and what I will experience of humility. Like Paul, I only pray for God’s grace to keep me focused on these things.  

Kate Cudlipp: Born To Do This

June 30, 2002 I do not believe we can define “call” clearly and finally. I think it is one of those concepts so intimately connected to God’s movement in our lives that to tie it to a strict definition would be blasphemy. One thing we can say is that call is about how we are present and active in the world; call is about doing.  

Jeanne Marcus: Man against Father

June 23, 2002 This is shocking in two ways: the first is Jesus’ willingness to be in judgment against the family, which we are used to thinking about as one important structure of an ethical Christian life. The other is Jesus’ choice of the image of a sword in naming the challenge he is bringing, when we usually think of Jesus as living a message of non-violence. The usual explanation of this hard saying is that Jesus is commenting on the inevitability of dissension between people when the time comes for individuals either to claim faith in him, or to dismiss him. I have come to a better explanation of this passage.