
Seekers recognizes that any member of the community may be called upon by God to give us the Word, and thus we have an open pulpit with a different preacher each week. Sermons preached at Seekers, as well as sermons preached by Seekers at other churches or events, are posted here, beginning with the most recent.

Click here for an archive of our sermons.

Feel free to use what is helpful from these sermons. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and the author, and cite the URL.

“Accessing Healthcare in the West Bank and Gaza” and “Child of Despair” by Mohammed Abusaada and Noa Dotan

Seekers Presentations for New Story Leadership

July 2, 2023

Fifth Sunday After Pentecost

From the New Story Leadership (NSL) website we learn that “NSL is not just another peace program. It is not about dialog. It is not even about people to people engagement in the usual sense. They do not change anything. The mantra of NSL explains its theory of change, ‘Change the story, change the world.’ If you think something is impossible, then chances are you will be right. The tone of the Middle East conversation is dominated by the political that drowns out the personal and ultimately, drowns out the voices of hope.” Here are two of the those voice of hope that refuse to be drown out.


“Recovery Cafe DC and Recovery Cafe Network” by Kim Montroll, Catalyst at Large, Recovery Café Network

Fourth Sunday After Pentecost

June 25, 2023

It is such a joy to be here with you all this morning. Thank you. I was very moved and inspired hearing from Peter about the intensive learning and work you all are doing around reparations. Peter, thank you for sharing the Maryland Episcopal Reparations document with me, and the Seeker’s class where you’ve been working with this so deeply as a community. I have so much to learn and I’m grateful for this opportunity to reflect on how am I working with the realities of reparation in my own life, and in our work as Recovery Café DC.


“A Complicated Trinity” by Deborah Sokolove

Third Sunday After Pentecost

June 18, 2023

On this third Sunday of the Trinity season, I want to talk about three very different observances. Today is Father’s Day. Tomorrow is Juneteenth. And all of June is Pride Month. While none of these three secular observances appear on the liturgical calendar, and there is only a glancing connection with the lectionary readings for this week, it does seem to me that it would be wrong to ignore their significance in a congregation where our front windows proclaim our commitment to peace, justice, and creativity.


“Seekers Reflections on Faith” facilitated by Elizabeth Gelfeld

Second Sunday After Pentecost

June 11, 2023

Scripture readings:

Genesis 12:1-9

Psalm 33:1-12

Romans 4:13-25

Matthew 9:9-13,18-26

When Celebration Circle invited the community of Seekers to share in bringing the word in the sermon today, we offered two questions for reflection, based on the scripture readings for today.

These readings describe some really extreme faith in the face of lost causes. Abraham leaves his home and family and everything he knows, for no reason except faith in the word of God that he hears. In Romans, Chapter 4, Paul contrasts the law with Abraham’s faith, as he was “hoping against hope” that the promise that he would be the father of nations would be fulfilled, in spite of the reality that he and Sarah were past childbearing age. Then from Matthew, Chapter 9, we heard the stories of the synagogue leader who comes to Jesus and says, “My daughter has died,” yet has absolute faith that Jesus can return her to life; and of the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years and yet knew, in faith, that she did not even need to ask for healing, she only needed to touch Jesus’ clothes.

  1. In this particular time of your life, how are you being called to this level of faith?
  2. How are we, the community of Seekers, being called to this level of faith?

Liturgist’s note: For each of the following reflections, offered by members of Seekers, there is a brief introduction. Following each reading, the liturgist sounded a bell to introduce a minute of silence.


“Living in Peace: Stewardship in a Time of Chaos” by Peter Bankson

First Sunday of Trinity

June 4, 2023


Our theme for this Trinity season is “Live in Peace.” The reflection question is “How did you offer peace this week?” Good question! To which I might add… and what can you do to find meaning and purpose in these turbulent times? 

These certainly are chaotic times: turbulent weather; widespread famine and food insecurity; violent conflict in Ukraine and the Middle East and persistent tension in the Western Pacific; political and cultural confrontation across the nation; and widespread illness and injury in our community. At many levels of reality, we seem to be living in the midst of painful chaos. Where’s the hope? Where can we turn for the guidance and support we need to “live in peace?”
