Seekers recognizes that any member of the community may be called upon by God to give us the Word, and thus we have an open pulpit with a different preacher each week. Sermons preached at Seekers, as well as sermons preached by Seekers at other churches or events, are posted here, beginning with the most recent.
Click here for an archive of our sermons.
Feel free to use what is helpful from these sermons. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and the author, and cite the URL.
“Transfiguration” by Marjory Zoet Bankson
February 11, 2024
Transfiguration Sunday
Text: Mark 9:2-9
Today we are celebrating Transfiguration Sunday, the hinge between Epiphany and Lent, between birth and death. As we just heard, Jesus is glorified (or transfigured) and the vision is shared by his closest disciples. Not only is Jesus filled with divine power before the eyes of his disciples, but the disciples are also changed by their experience. Perhaps we can say that Transfiguration marks the baptism of communal consciousness for the body of the Risen Christ, even though Jesus has not yet been crucified.
“Theological Evolution” by Kurt Pluntke
February 4, 2024
Fifth Sunday After Epiphany
Psalms 104 points to a higher power, “All living things on earth and in the sea, whether wild or domesticated, birds, sea creatures, and human beings have some idea of the living Presence by whom they exist.” What could this be if it imprints even on the wild creatures? First thing that comes to mind is our life-giving sun with its inescapable quality. Over centuries we evolved from worshipping it to scientifically understanding it. Just like our parents who were once the only things we knew, until one day we realized their faults and understood, sometimes, why they did some things. I appreciate this rather evolutionary understanding of phenomenon in our midst.
Recovery and Spirituality-What they have in Common by Will R.
January 28, 2024
Fourth Sunday After Epiphany
I am grateful and thankful, God, for people, places, and things and especially for the freedom to worship with you and share my views openly. Also, my friend, Jose is willing to join me today in sharing his spiritual story increasing my gratitude even more.
In the moments ahead we plan to share some of the reasons it makes sense for the AA community and Seekers community to support each other. At the same time, I admit that we are still asking a lot of questions.
Is the Light of Jesus Still Shining? by Dave Lloyd
January 14, 2024
Second Sunday After Epiphany
I’ve been thinking a lot about light recently, partly because I’m awakening before dawn and can just see the faint light above the horizon as I go out to get the morning newspaper. We are three and a half weeks past the winter solstice. Here in the northern hemisphere every day the dawn comes just a smidgeon earlier than the day before and the sunset is just a smidgeon later. We are moving towards the season of light.
Epiphany and Baptism by Ken Burton
January 7, 2024
Celebration of Epiphany
Baptism of the Lord
In our secular calendar, this is the first Sunday in the New Year. This might itself be the basis of a decent sermon, but that solution that is not available within the liturgical tradition, which challenges the preacher with a three layered view of this particular Sunday.
First, an arguably most important, it is the Sunday on which we celebrate Epiphany, usually with a focus on the visit of the wise men (sorry – I just can’t say “wise persons” in this context), and, as she has for number of years, Emmy Lu enriched this focus just now with her reading of T. Eliot’s “Journey of the Magi”. The biblical account from Mathew 2 has its own problems because we traditionally celebrate the wise men’s visit on Christmas Eve and again on Epiphany. Dealing with this discrepancy is actually made easier by the fact that the entire Christmas story lacks any historical basis and was probably made up decades after the fact to call attention to the divine aspect of Jesus as the Christ. What seems to us to be discrepancies and inconsistencies become much less important in the context of myth rather than history.