September 2009 Stewards Minutes

Seekers Stewards Meeting

September 6, 2009


Present: Marjory Bankson (angel), Peter Bankson, Ken Burton (recorder), Lewise Busch, Pat Conover, Kate Cudlipp (angel), Cynthia Dahlin, Jane Engle, Muriel Lipp, Sandra Miller (worship leader), Patricia Nemore (moderator), Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen


Absent:Sue Johnson, David Lloyd, Margreta Silverstone


Worship: Sandra led a reflection on the Stewards commitment statement.



         Next Meeting: October 4, 2009

                  Moderator- Deborah        

                  Note Taker – Jane

                  Worship- Lewise

                  Dinner Angels – Muriel, Sandra


Wellspring Visioning Retreat

          Marjory will lead this event on September 22. Interested Seekers are encouraged to attend and to let Marjory know of their plans.


Seekers Publications

         There is a need to revise and update various Seekers publications, including the "Guide to Seekers Church" and the "Mission Group Guide". Peter will take the lead on this project. Supporting and assisting him will be Sandra, Deborah, and Ken.


Sale of 2025

         Keith reported that the Government of Georgia has been slow to respond to the latest counteroffer. This pace is characteristic of business dealings with sovereign entities. The property continues to be shown to other prospective buyers. The Church of the Saviour Office has moved to the Festival Center, although the telephone number remains as before. Seekers Artists Mission Group continues to meet at 2025. The ecumenical service continues at 11:30 AM on Sunday morning with Kayla McClurg leading worship.


C of S Churches Fabric Art

         Stewards approved a proposal that had been circulated by email to participate in a fabric art project that will illustrate the connections of the churches in the C of S tradition. Seekers logo will be the basis on which the fabric artist creates our representation. Stewards approved a contribution of $100 to help defray the costs of the project.


Visioning Future Connections of the C of S Churches

         The pending sale of 2025 has raised questions about the future connections, if any, of the churches in the C of S tradition. At the October Stewards meeting,Seekers a representative from Seekers-if someone is called to this work-will be named to a group working with this question.


Sunday School Report

         Pat, in his Sunday School Coordinator role, reported on plans for the new Sunday School year.


·      Pat is supported by the Sunday School Coordinating Team (SCCT), including Brenda, Kate and Trish.

·      The new year starts September 13. Brenda will be doing the Word for the children that Sunday, and the children will be ribboned as they enter on a new segment of their faith journeys.  

·      For the first several Sundays of the new year, the SCCT will also be doing the Word for the Children, with the intention of doing some modeling for the community and also to facilitate a smoother transition for the children between the worship setting and the classrooms downstairs.

·      Behavior of the children during the circle gathering time remains an issue to be addressed.

·      There will be two classes with two children and one teacher in each. Pat is recruiting teachers for four-week segments. Teacher training will be provided on an as-needed and individual basis.

·      Teacher recruitment is going well, although open slots remain.


Two Stewards to Share

         Marjory and Keith offered updates on their lives and journeys.


Financial Report

         Marjory reported for the Financial Oversight Group (FOG). Highlights are below. (The balance sheet and income/expense statement were distributed to Stewards in soft copy by Kate during the week following the meeting.)  All amounts are as of 6/30/09, half-way through our calendar/fiscal year.


·      Building use income of $20,711 is 69% of budget.

·      Sunday offering income of $176,894 is 74% of budget.

·      Expenses are generally in line with budget.

·      FOG projects a year-end surplus, which may be as much as $100,000.


A discussion followed of possible uses for the projected surplus. Although we have generally used budget surpluses to retire debt, there was some feeling among Stewards that at least part of it should go for additional international and/or domestic giving. Local feeding programs were mentioned in this context. No decision was made. FOG will bring recommendations back to Stewards.



Keith reported on the status of Stilpoint. The Rolling Ridge Retreat Community plans to close on the purchase of the Stillpoint property by the end of October. The purchase price is $400,000. Of this $199,000 will be financed privately and the balance from thesale of partner shares. The shares are priced at $12,500 each and entitle the owner to one weekend and eight week nights per year at Stillpoint. At least one Seeker household which is purchasing a share is considering donating it to Seekers, and others may be available for community use. Given these considerations, Stewards decided to not purchase Stillpoint shares but to receive with gratitude contributions of shares when the occur.


Soul talk

         The meeting concluded with a few minutes of soul talk.




October 2009 Stewards Minutes
August 2009 Stewards Minutes