“Hope and a Home,” Robert Andrews

"Transformation and Hope" by Robert Andrews

2009_epiphany_cover_lg.jpgFebruary 22, 2009, the Feast of the Transfiguration



Robert Andrews, Development Director of Hope and a Home, spoke about transformation and hope.


Hope and a Home got its start as a program of For Love of Children (FLOC) and the effort to find nurturing homes for 900 children who were crowded into Junior Village, Washington, DC’s orphanage. Many of these children had been removed from their families because their parents lacked adequate housing.


One of the founders of Seekers Church, Fred Taylor, was the founding director of FLOC, and many Seekers have been involved in both FLOC and Hope and a Home over the years. 

"Memory Wall" by Marjory Bankson
"Understanding Our Challenges" by Pat Conover