Peace and Justice Prayers

Each Sunday morning, bridging our informal gathering time, during which we share from our lives, and our formal worship time, a different person, usually from Seekers, offers a prayer for peace and justice.  Each person chooses what to say, with no prompting or guidance from the coordinator other than to be brief, prayerful and focused on peace and justice.  On this page, we offer the text of some of those prayers.

A Sung Prayer on the Eve of a Federal Election

Praying for Peace and Justice on November 3, 2024 By the Time You Hear This Song By the time you hear this song, we’ll knowIf everything went wrong, we’ll knowIf decency sings louder than fearBy the time you hear this song By the time you hear my voice, we’ll knowThe meaning of the choice, we’ll knowIf it was just another election yearBy the time you hear my voice Hosanna, hosannna By the time you hear this song, we’ll knowWhere you and I belongBy the time you hear this song

A Prayer for the Grace and Strength to work for Peace

Praying for Peace and Justice on October 20, 2024 Let us pray. Holy One, As Jeremiah cried out, “Peace, peace, when there is no peace.” In Matthew’s Gospel, to be consoled, because peace is no more in our land.  Holy One, we cry out: Peace, peace when there is no peace.“ Without justice, there can be no peace.  Give us the grace and strength to work for peace in our world, in our relationships, in our streets, in our community, and in our country. In Your many names we pray: Amen

A Prayer to Turn the Hearts of Those Who Do Violence Out of Their Own Oppression

Praying for Peace and Justice on September 29, 2024 Lord, what can we pray that has not already been prayed? We join our hearts with the millions of people who, for centuries, have cried out for peace and justice in Israel and Palestine. This conflict is so complex, and so intertwined with the roots of antisemitism and colonialism and anti-muslim rhetoric and white supremacist ideology and we do not see the way out. But we believe that you are the God who turned Saul into Paul, that you can turn the hearts of those who would do violence out of…