Each Sunday morning, bridging our informal gathering time, during which we share from our lives, and our formal worship time, a different person, usually from Seekers, offers a prayer for peace and justice. Each person chooses what to say, with no prompting or guidance from the coordinator other than to be brief, prayerful and focused on peace and justice. On this page, we offer the text of some of those prayers.
A Four-fold Franciscan Blessing
Praying for Peace and Justice on March 16, 2025 May God bless you with a restless discomfort about easy answers, half-truths and superficial relationships, so that you may seek truth boldly and love deep within your heart. May God bless you with holy anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that you may tirelessly work for justice, freedom, and peace among all people. May God bless you with the gift of tears to shed with those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, or the loss of all that they cherish, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them…
A Prayer to Learn to Love Each Other in the Face of Brutality
Praying for Peace and Justice on March 9, 2025 Let us pray. Holy One, Holy Breath of Life and Source of all that is, in whom we live and move and connect with one another, we cry out on behalf of all the children who are staying out of school for fear that they will be used to track and deport their parents. We know that school is critical for learning how to function as a creative human being – and as a positive member of society. We know that early childhood development is critical for creative and fulfilling the…
A Prayer to Learn to Love Each Other in the Face of Brutality
Praying for Peace and Justice on March 9, 2025 Let us pray. Holy One, Holy Breath of Life and Source of all that is, in whom we live and move and connect with one another, we cry out on behalf of all the children who are staying out of school for fear that they will be used to track and deport their parents. We know that school is critical for learning how to function as a creative human being – and as a positive member of society. We know that early childhood development is critical for creative and fulfilling the…
A Prayer Recalling the Beatitudes
Praying for Peace and Justice on March 2, 2025 There is so much turmoil in our world, and peace being disrupted and justice overturned, that I wanted to go back to the Beatitudes for our Peace and Justice prayer today. · Dear God, please bless the poor in spirit, show them the hope of your kingdom. This includes immigrants who are fearful and transgender people who are being erased. · God, please bless those who mourn, and help us know how to comfort them. This includes those with healthcare denied, and families living in Gaza and Ukrainel · God, please bless the meek,…
A Prayer to Listen to those on the Margins
Praying for Peace and Justice on February 16, 2025 Let us pray – Gracious and loving God, you filled Jesus with the Spiritsend your Spirit upon us too,to listen to the voices of those living in sacrifice zones,marginalized by corporations for the sake of profit;to courageously act in solidarity with of those living in sacrifice zones. God of liberation and wholeness, bless the environmental justice activists on the frontlines. May our prayers and actions be good news of solidarity for those in frontline communities who are fighting for their lives and ours.We are all connected. AMEN Background I’m tired….