May Stewards Minutes


May 2, 2010
(Meeting held at the Conover-Nemore summer house)

Present: Marjory Bankson (notetaker), Peter Bankson, Ken Burton, Lewise Busch (worship), Pat Conover, Cynthia Dahlin (moderator), Jane Engle,  David Lloyd, Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen

Absent: Sandra Miller.

Worship: Lewise shared a reading from Frederick Buechner’s Listening to Your Life.

For Next Month: June 6, 2010, 5:30 at the Conover-Nemore summer house
Moderator…Deborah        Notes………Jacqie     
Worship….. Keith        Angels…….Trish & Margreta

Ribbon Blessing Description (Approved)
Peter, who worked with Celebration Circle, presented a proposal to describe the ribboning ceremony for Seekers who are being commissioned for some special time of ministry, service or spiritual quest.

In an effort to invite everyone to be aware of persons who should be thus recognized, the description will be posted by the prayer net in the sanctuary and added to the Seekers booklet.

Support of Individuals with Extraordinary Needs
Kate described the formation of support teams for Vincent (Josh Morganstein, Will Ramsey, Richard Lawrence & Ken Burton) and Jackie Mbabazi (Kate Amoss, Mary Carol Dragoo & Kate Cudlipp). Since both are regular participants in worship, we agreed to use Holy Spirit funds for a couple of months in order to get an idea of what funding may be needed to cover food and other possible expenses for  Vincent when he moves to the Conover-Nemore house and to companion Jackie as she seeks asylum. Jake Folger is taking an active interest in shepherding both of these people.

Deborah, for Time & Space Mission Group, reported on their discussion of Rudolph, the homeless person who is currently living on the back porch of the church. He has been invited into worship, but has refused. He has watered the back garden and sanded the rocking chairs as an expression of caring.

T&S has approached this as a faith journey, and has been guided by the same standards that they use for occupiers of the building:
* we want Seekers to be a welcoming place;
* we want to invite people into a deeper relationship with God;
* we want this to be a safe place for all.

Discussion included these points:
* it’s important to have a group rather than a single individual hold these special needs (CD);
* Jake has a plan for inviting us into relationship with homeless people and we will be changed (BS);
* we should let our neighbors on either side know about Rudolph so they can call us if need be (DL);
* could this be God’s call for us now? (JW)

Sharing the Vision and Work of Seekers–reports from mission groups (continued from last month)
Koinonia (Brenda)
We are picking up some things from Pat’s list of “set-downs;”
-need to grow some new “hospitality helpers,”
-find that Circle Time includes an overwhelming number of announcements and miss the newsletter;
-need a calendar that is not just on the list serve.

MSG (Trish)
Trish mentioned that MSG is not task-oriented, but that Richard Lawrence is interested in welcoming people and might be interested in helping Koinonia with their hospitality mission.

Living Water (Marjory)
We are interested in
-inviting new people to become retreat assistants (Nancy Lawrence offers instruction);
-having a “door host” at worship to welcome newcomers, offer explanations when needed;
-offering an end-of-life workshop next fall to collect health directives at the church if desired.

Are Mission Groups Changing?
Brenda wondered aloud if mission groups are becoming more cell-like and more fluid? She also wondered how to mentor people into mission groups, since they are still the primary means for accountability and growth in our structure. She would like feedback on this.



Two Stewards shared: Kate and Brenda.

Emerita Status Approved
Jane Engle requested emerita status for herself. She recalled that she was one of the authors of the paper on offering emeritus status for reasons of advanced age or mental illness, but claimed neither of those. Her request was granted. She thus joins Emily Gilbert and Muriel Lipp as Emeritae Stewards.

Soul Talk

June Stewards Minutes
April Stewards Minutes