Margreta Silverstone is an artist and crafter. Her chosen medium involves fabric and the cutting and reconstructing of fabric into different forms – whether for pure visual pleasure or including functional components.

Margreta’s quilts have been included in international shows, published works and in corporate collections. She mostly works with cottons, but recently completed a commission that used Japanese silks. To see her quilts, please visit www.margreta.com

Functional items include purses, face masks, pouches to hold straws and other products. Margreta has sold items at in person craft shows and through her online Etsy shop. She often uses her aesthetic of combining visual images from patchwork into the creation of purses, backpacks and various holders. For functional items, please visit the Etsy shop http://margretamadeit.etsy.com
For Margreta, working with fabric often has a meditative component –sometimes with the quiet reflection of combining fabrics or with the simple repetitive tasks of stitching and ironing or the slow process of hand stitching. She enjoys keeping her hands occupied while allowing her mind to focus on prayer.
sling bags backpacks saddle bags quilt