Living Water Mission Group

As a second-generation Church of the Saviour community, Seekers Church has drawn many people who are consciously engaged in ministry where they live and work. From our tradition, we know that this outward journey of service must be grounded in prayer and intentional reflection to sustain the Call which God has given to each member. Therefore, Living Water intends to support the inner life of all Seekers.

In John 4:10, Jesus said to the Woman at the Well, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that is saying to you ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked and he would have given you living water.” We want to claim both our thirst and God’s promise of living water to those who ask.

Therefore, Living Water intends to support the inner life of all Seekers by:

  • Coodinating two silent retreats for Seekers each year at Dayspring;
  • Offering one class (or more) in the School for Christian Growth;
  • Offering periodic workshops on related topics;
  • Accompanying the elders in our group as they age.

Living Water meets weekly on Wednesdays at 2pm on zoom.

  • We practice traditional disciplines of prayer, study, spiritual reports and stewardship of time and money.
  • We recognize and celebrate birthdays as spiritual milestones.

Updated 2020

Click here to send an email to the moderator of Living Water.