Unless otherwise indicated, we use the Revised Common Lectionary, a list of Bible readings used by many churches and denominations around the world.
The specific readings for this season are below.
2020 Jubilee Lectionary: Witnesses to God With Us
That is what Jesus did: he did not return the negative energy directed at him—not during his life nor when he hung on the cross. He held it inside and made it into something much better. That is how “he took away the sin of the world.” He refused to pass it on!Richard Rohr, “Transforming Our Pain,” at https://cac.org/transforming-our-pain-2020-09-18/
Where have you encountered witnesses to God in these turbulent times?October 25 Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Matthew 22:34-46 | November 15 Judges 4:1-7 Psalm 123 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 |
November 1 All Saints Day Revelation 7:9-17 Psalm 34:1-10, 20 1 John 13:1-3 Matthew 5:1-12 | November 22 Reign of Christ Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 Psalm 100 Ephesians 1:15-23 Matthew 25:31-46 |
November 8 Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 Psalm 78:1-7 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Matthew 25:1-13 | November 29 ADVENT Isaiah 64:1-9 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37 |