July Stewards Minutes 2011

July 11, 2011


Present: Ken Burton, Lewise Busch, Pat Conover, Kate Cudlipp, Cynthia Dahlin, Jill Joseph, Dave Lloyd (worship), Sandra Miller , Trish Nemore (recorder), Will Ramsey, Brenda Seat (angel), Keith Seat (angel), Deborah Sokolove (moderator), Jacqie Wallen.

Absent: Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson, Margreta Silverstone


Worship: Dave read from Matthew the parable of the sower and passed around grass seed.


For our next meeting on August 7, at 5:30pm at Seekers:

Moderator…Ken                        Recorder………Jacqie           

              Worship….. Sandra                        Angels…….Lewise and Kate

Stewards to share next time: Ken and Keith

Report on our investments: (Kate) We have $140,000 at 2.5% in Manna coming due July 20. We also have ~ $86,000 in Oikocredit and ~$100,000 at City First. Stewards agreed to re-invest the Manna note on the same terms.

Report from Time & Space on Green Energy use: (Deborah) Glen and Deborah, on behalf of T&S, met with Joelle Novey of Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light. Based on that meeting, T&S joined in a bid with other congregations on a contract for electricity that will be greener and give us electricity at a better rate than under our current plan. (Deborah, please correct if I’ve stated this wrong) Joelle also alerted us to the possibility for better and greener residential rates through an initiative of Weatherize DC; there will be a conference call in mid-September providing more information about this. Deborah will keep us apprised about these developments, including whether the opportunities are just for DC residents or beyond.

Inner/Outer/Community Journeys: (All) We divided into three small groups and shared with each other where our lives are in the three (interrelated) aspects of our lives.

Two Stewards to Share: Pat and Trish shared about their lives as they approach their July birthdays.



Pat’s Initiative: Pat described a proposal concerning electronic networking – “getting in touch electronically with the world.” The proposal engendered a lively discussion about what exactly we wanted to accomplish by such an initiative, who was called to such activity, who would be involved with providing content for such an initiative, were we really talking about evangelism, did we need to move the conversation back a few steps to get clearer as to what sort of connecting we want to do with people. We noted that the technological part is separate from the purpose and content part. We recalled that Lumunos has attempted such an initiative and not been successful; we might want to consult with them to learn what they learned from their effort. We also noted the large conference called Wild Goose that just occurred a few weeks ago; we might explore what happened there. We agreed to continue the conversation.

Soul Talk: All

August Stewards Minutes 2011
June Stewards Minutes 2011