January Stewards Minutes 2012

 January 8, 2011


Present – Ken Burton, Lewise Busch, Pat Conover, Cynthia Dahlin (moderator), Dave Lloyd (recorder), Sandra Miller (worship), Trish Nemore, Will Ramsey, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat.


Absent — Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson, Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen


Worship – Sandra read the poem “Assumptions” from the book Flowers of Flame: Unheard Voices of Iraq, and gave opportunities for prayers to be inserted.



1. Housekeeping – The next meeting will be February 12 at 5:30 p.m. at Seekers (note: time later to begin after other groups’ meetings in the building end). Trish will moderate, Sandra will record, Dave will lead worship, and Cynthia, Brenda, and Keith will serve as dinner angels.


2. Draft 2012 calendar of Stewards meetings: Brenda had distributed a draft calendar for Stewards meetings that indicated the dates of the meetings and particular topics that would be on the agenda for each month. Stewards appreciated this and made suggested additions, which Brenda will incorporate and redistribute the final version.


3. 2011 Financial Oversight Group (FOG) Report: On behalf of the FOG Keith reported that the 2011 Christmas offering was $4,366, significantly greater than anticipated. Debbie Barwick will distribute the amounts as previously planned. The final 2011 financial status had a surplus of 79,318.46. Sunday contributions were more than $273,000 and the income from the ministry of space was more than $41,000, creating an income surplus of approximately $30,713.72. In addition, expenditures were nearly $28,179.10 lower than anticipated. A short-term loan was made to Bokomoso for the youths’ airline tickets. FOG therefore recommended that the loan of id=”mce_marker”49,000 payable to Kate Cudlipp’s estate be paid from the checking and savings accounts without resorting to withdrawals from the long-term investments. This was approved unanimously.


4. School of Christian Living (SCL): David reported on the Learners and Teachers (L&T) classes this past fall and plans for 2012. The classes on finding the sacred through poetry (John Morris), EarthCare (Jim & Cheryl Hall) and Five Wishes (Cynthia Dahlin) were particularly well attended. In addition to the one night sessions this month on poetry (10th) and Interplay (24th), the first term beginning on February 7 will have a class on prayer (David Novello and Elizabeth Gelfeld) and a class on Seekers as a welcoming community (Denise leClair, Roy Barber, Jake Folger and David Lloyd), and the term beginning March 20 will have a class on the parables in Luke’s gospel (David Lloyd)and either a class on rituals and sacraments in Seekers (Living Water Mission Group) or call (Marjory). (Whichever of these two is not done in that term will be done later in the year.) The fall terms will include classes on teachings/doctrine, and a class on the Hebrew Scriptures. L&T plans to continue to have Vincent cook during the terms.


5. Takoma Park Folk Festival: Keith proposed that Seekers rent space for a booth at the festival (Sept. 9). There was discussion about shifting the first Sunday of the Children’s program and the first class of the School of Christian Living t take advantage of interest that may emerge from the festival. There was discussion of the number of volunteers needed, especially for setup and teardown, as well as whether an adjoining booth should be rented to highlight Seekers’ ministries, depending upon cost. The proposal was supported. Keith will serve as primary contact, will invite volunteers to plan and prepare the displays. Progress will be reported at the May and July Stewards’ meetings.


6. Sharing: Brenda and David. Margreta and Cynthia are scheduled for February.


7. Soul Talk


Respectfully submitted,

David Lloyd

February Stewards Minutes 2012
December Stewards Minutes 2011