December 2008 Stewards Minutes

Seekers Church
December 7, 2008


Present: Marjory Bankson (notetaker), Peter Bankson, Ken Burton, Lewise Busch, Jeannine

Caracciolo, Pat Conover, Cynthia Dahlin, Jane Engle, Sue Johnson, Muriel Lipp, David Lloyd

(worship), Aeren Martinez, Sandra Miller, Trish Nemore, Keith Seat (moderator), Margreta

Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove.

Absent: Brenda Seat


For Next Month: January 4, 2009
          Moderator…David Notes……… Jeannine  
          Worship….. Sandra Angels……. Margreta, Lewise


Worship began in the dark, with only a small candle-flame to signal Advent.


Budget for 2009 was approved as presented by FOG with additions made last month.
      Marjory reminded us of the percentages represented by each category:
                 Contributed                 240,000
                 Building use                 30,000
                 TOTAL………               270,000          100%
                 Giving to others……….. 83,000             31% (+15,000 to Bokamoso in ‘08)
                 Community life………… 13,900               5%
                 Building Ops………….    59,700             22%
                 Building Purchase………56,750             21%
                 Staff………………………..56,650             21%
                 TOTAL ………………….  270,000          100%
Proposal to reallocate $10,000 of 2008 funds from loan repayment to food programs was

approved. After considerable discussion, we agreed to
      * guarantee at least $40,000 (of the planned $50,000) would be used for loan

      * a committee of Pat, Sandra and Aeren decided on the following distribution:
             $6,000 to the National Capital Food Bank;
             $2,000 to Shepherd’s Table (where we direct people who come for help);
             $2,000 to Potter’s House for their after-hours feeding program.


Christmas Offering was approved as follows:
        * $1200 already approved by Stewards for a particular SSIHC family;
        * $1200 for Bernadine Johnson’s family (formerly with SSIHC);
        * any additional monies for the four students from the Central African Republic who are

          currently living at 2025 Mass. Ave.


Update on 2025 was offered by Keith and Kate, followed by SOUL TALK, fabulous dinner and a

spirited reading of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!”  

January 2009 Stewards Minutes
November 2008 Stewards Minutes