Classes are free and open to all. We serve a light vegetarian dinner before the class, for which we request a $5 donation. We value the conversation and sense of community we share during the meal and clean-up and find it deepens our connection to the classes that follow. Dinner starts at 6:45 and classes begin at 7:30.
We generally offer two classes per term, which are now online. You need not be a member of Seekers Church to participate.
School for Christian Growth Spring 2020 First Term
Tuesday evenings 6:45 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
February 4–March 10, 2020
The Universal Christ
Led by Kolya Braun-Greiner & Glenn Clark
Kolya Braun-Greiner and Glenn Clark invite you to join them in exploring Richard Rohr’s book The Universal Christ. Father Rohr introduces a concept of “Christ” as a worldview in which matter and Spirit are not separate—where Christ is a name for the transcendent within everything in the universe. Rohr says that “the proof that you are a Christian is that you can see Christ everywhere else.” The class will explore key chapters and themes through small and large group discussions seeking to cultivate an experiential awareness of the Christ Mystery that “rewires you on the physical, neurological, and cellular levels.” All class members should obtain the book prior to the start of the class.
Jeremiah: A Prophet for the 21st Century?
Led by David Lloyd & Deborah Sokolove
The book of Jeremiah can be seen as a traumatic response to the political events and destruction of Judea in the 6th century BCE, and a way forward that provided hope. Join Deborah and David as they explore Jeremiah’s relevance for us as we cope with traumatic events in our lifetimes. The class will have short reading and writing assignments, and partially meets a Hebrew Scriptures requirement for becoming a Steward in Seekers Church.
School for Christian Growth Poetry Night
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
6:45 p.m.–9 p.m.
Bring a brown bag for dinner at 6:45. The poetry begins at 7:30.
Poetry Night
Led by John Morris
Poetry fills me with joy
and I rise like a feather in the wind.
Poetry fills me with sorrow
and I sink like a chain flung from a bridge.
But mostly poetry fills me
with the urge to write poetry.
From Billy Collins, The Trouble with Poetry
Poet John Morris will lead us in an occasional night of poetry. Bring 10 copies of a poem you have written or that someone else has written. During our time together each of us will read our poems and share why and how they speak to us. We’ll explore together the images and structure of the poems and their potential meanings.