School for Christian Growth Classes

Classes are free and open to all. We serve a light vegetarian dinner before the class, for which we request a $5 donation. We value the conversation and sense of community we share during the meal and clean-up and find it deepens our connection to the classes that follow. Dinner starts at 6:45 and classes begin at 7:30.

We generally offer two classes per term, which are now online. You need not be a member of Seekers Church to participate.

Summer School of Christian Living


Tuesdays July 7-July 28, 7-9:30 pm

Led by Kevin Barwick and David Lloyd


Commercial films often depict characters facing spiritual challenges.  Come join us as we view four films and discuss these challenges within a Christian context, finding parallels in our own spiritual development.  Each week we will start viewing a film promptly at 7 p.m. (as you eat a brown bag supper that you brought) and discuss significant scenes. 

Check back later for a complete list of the films. Popcorn will be provided!



Fall Semester 2008 – Second term

October 28th-December 9th (No class on November 25th)
(Tuesday evenings)
7:00-9:30 pm

All participants are invited to come at 7 pm to eat a simple dinner together before class (donation of $4 requested).  Classes start at 7:45 pm

 "The Cosmic Christ:  The Gospel of John" led by Marjory Bankson


"Jesus, the Misunderstood Jew," led by Deborah Sokolove and David Lloyd


Sign up by e-mailing Jacqie Wallen at jacqiewallen(at) or on the signup sheet at church and sign up at church to help prepare or clean up the simple buffet vegetarian dinner.
