Children's Ministry

Seekers welcomes children, youth, and families to share in the caring and spiritual growth that the community offers. We’re multi-generational and value the different gifts and challenges that God gives us at different ages. Seekers offers opportunities for families to participate in a variety of activities as well as Sunday morning worship.

Sunday School

Seekers is small enough to know each child. We care about the development of their spirits, minds, and bodies. Our Sunday school is only one part of the Christian learning experience. Its goal is to provide children and youth with biblical basics, to encourage them to explore and discuss their own relationships with God, Jesus, and the world around them, and to see themselves as integral parts of a Christian community.
We currently have two classes on Sunday morning, a younger kids’ class (for children preschool age and younger), and an older kids’ class, which currently has children in first through fourth grades. The classes are usually led by two adults, and sometimes include other adults from the community as special guests. We use a diversity of approaches throughout the year, sometimes focusing on a single Bible story for several weeks at a time, and sometimes following the lectionary readings for the week. The children experience scripture through drama and role-play, crafts, and other hands-on activities. They engage in active debate about how these stories form our Christian faith and about what they say to us today. Because different adults are involved throughout the year (for multi-week sessions), the children have the opportunity to develop relationships with a variety of adults in the community and experience the diversity of ways that faithful people approach our shared faith tradition.

Sunday Worship

The early part of each service welcomes children and includes a children’s sermon normally structured around the lectionary for that week. This Children’s Word is a time when we intentionally communicate our Christian perspective with the children of our community. Click here for the guidelines for those who prepare to offer this Word.
We also have multi-generational services several times each year during which children often have leadership roles.

Adult Christian Education

Older children and youth are welcome to participate in classes of the School for Christian Growth, held on Tuesday evenings throughout the year.

Service Projects

Activities particularly welcoming of children include multi-generational service projects. For more information, call or write the Sunday school coordinator, Judy Lantz, at 301-928-2766 or  jrlan AT