“Being Indigenous: A Way of Life to Heal Earth & Each Other” and “Full of the Holy Spirit” are the topics of two courses offered in the School for Christian growth Feb. 4 – Mar 11

Being Indigenous: A Way of Life to Heal Earth & Each Other

Leaders: Kolya Braun-Greiner and Lucy Slater
Tuesdays: Feb. 4-March 11 – In Person with simple meal at 6:30, class 7-8:30pm

What does being indigenous mean?  How does that differ from the dominant Western culture? How is that dominant culture at odds with our own natural (indigenous) relationships with Earth? Together we’ll explore how being indigenous is consistent with the roots of our faith. How can we be in solidarity with indigenous peoples and with Earth? 

We’ll draw upon chapters of Penobscot lawyer, Sherri Mitchell’s Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change.…

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Carroll Café, January 17, 2025

The next Carroll Cafe Concert  January 17, 2025 at 7:30 pm features Cathy Fink & Marcy MarxerIn this very special duo concert, Cathy & Marcy will debut a large handful of brand new songs never performed before, along with their multi-genre repertoire, and versatile instrumentation on the banjo, cello banjo, guitar and ukulele. A portion of the concert will also be dedicated to community singing. This is a rare local duo show, and certainly the first of the year! 
To buy your ticket or reserve your spot (and pay at the door), go here: https://carrollcafe.seekerschurch.org/2024/11/cathy-fink-mar…

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School of Christian Growth, January, 2025

Taking On (White) Christian Nationalism” and “Have it Your Way – Decisions about Your Death” are the topics of two short courses offered in the School for Christian growth this January.

Below are the descriptions of them and if you wish to register, please send an email to John Morris at morris.jr@comcast.net.  

Taking On (White) Christian Nationalism
Leader:  Paul Holmes
Tuesdays: Jan. 7, 14, 21 – In Person

“Jesus said the Gospel is about good news to the poor, healing to the brokenhearted, welcoming all people, caring for the least of these: the immigrant, the hungry, the sick, the imprisoned.…

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Seekers Church joins the call for permanent peace and enduring justice in Palestine, Lebanon, and Israel

As Christians, and embracing the Seekers commitment to “work for the end of all war, both public and private,” we deeply grieve the enormous loss of lives in Palestine, Lebanon, and Israel which has escalated since the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023. We know the roots of this conflict are deep and complex, and cannot be divorced from the long history of antisemitism and attacks against Jews, from the displacement and oppression of Palestinians, or from thousands of years of history that tie both peoples to this land.

However, we cannot stand by in silence while our government provides military aid that is victimizing civilians in Palestine and Lebanon on a massive scale. …

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Worship with Seekers Church: A Visitor’s Guide

Worship with Seekers Church: A Visitor's Guide


Seekers Church is an intentional Christian community that has grown out of the Church of the Saviour, founded by Gordon and Mary Cosby in Washington DC in 1946. During its life, Church of the Saviour has developed a strong commitment to the priesthood of all believers, lived out through an outer journey of service to God’s creation, balanced by an inner journey of disciplined prayer and reflection to support individual discernment of God’s call.

Since 1976 when Seekers came into being as a separate congregation, we have added to these traditions a commitment to shared leadership, a readiness for conversation among the faith traditions we inherited, and new understandings of Christian commitment, and an invitation to all with full respect for the richness brought by people of different age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or spiritual tradition. We want to be a church for all God’s people.

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