The Seekers Directory
For security reasons, the Seekers Directory is no longer available online. Please contact David Lloyd for a copy of the directory, as well as to update your contact information.
Wifi at Carroll Street
To use the Seekers wifi at Carroll Street you will need to enter the password, which is the office telephone number at Seekers Church: 2028299882.
Building Alarm System Instructions
PLEASE NOTE: If the building is armed when you enter you MUST disarm the system immediately to keep the alarm company from calling the police! If you are unsure about how to do this, please read the instructions, and feel free to ask Katie or any member of Time & Space for a refresher.
All members of mission groups are issued codes with which to enter and exit the building at will, using the keypad security system. Click here for instructions on how to disarm and arm the alarm system. The instructions also explain how to open the street or parking level doors from any Seekers telephone. Note that you should not arm the alarm when you leave the building, provided you leave before 11:30 p.m.
If you come to the building during times other than Sunday morning or Tuesday evening, you must use your mission group code to enter and disarm the alarms if needed.
Interacting with Non-Seekers in the Building at Carroll Street
Outside users have been advised that many Seekers come and go from the building during the week and they can expect us to enter quietly, introduce ourselves and stay out of their way. Should you encounter non-Seekers users, please let them know that you are a member of Seekers Church and assure them that you will not interrupt their activities. Those who use our building are concerned that nothing is damaged or taken while they are responsible for our space, and may be concerned about those not in their group entering the building.
If you, or they, have questions or need clarification, please call or email Glen, Peter, or anyone in the Time & Space Mission Group.
- Glen Yakushiji – 202-538-0369
- Peter Bankson – 571-265-6040
Write All Seekers
Want to write to on the Seekers email list? Click here to open a new e-mail in your computer. You can also copy and paste this address into your email program:
Please note:
The all- Seekers email listserv,, is a private group for Seekers Church members and alumni to keep in touch and inform the community of happenings such as:
- Seekers sponsored events
- Related Church of the Saviour events
- Community events which seem aligned with the interests of Seekers
- Events with which mission groups and individual Seekers are involved
- Announcements of weddings, graduations, births, deaths, illnesses, and similar events in the lives of individual Seekers
It is not to be used to complain about any individuals or groups, to ask for financial assistance, or for any communication that is negative or disrespectful of others. Misuse of the Seekers email list may result in removal from the list.