Author: Deborah Sokolove
Bokamoso 2015
January 25, 2014
The Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Today, the young people from Bokamoso again joined us, bringing us songs and stories from their lives in Winterfeld, South Africa.
There is no text, but only our joyous memories of their visit and our anticipation of their return next year.
“The Names of God” by Deborah Sokolove
June 15, 2014
Trinity Sunday
There is a certain irony, or perhaps synchronicity, in the fact that today is the secular celebration called "Father's Day" at the same time that we are celebrating Trinity Sunday in church. As we just heard, the most common terms for the three Persons of the Holy Trinity are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. While Father and Son are important in terms of both scripture and tradition, to address the Divine solely as male figures is to limit that which is without limits, and to suggest that human fathers and sons are somehow more god-like than human mothers and daughters. But the Holy One who creates, sustains, and frees us to live in eternal joy is more than two old men and a bird, as all too many paintings suggest. The Eternal Divine, who in our tradition is mysteriously both Holy One and Holy Three, is not male, not female, not neuter, but includes all genders and none, male, female, trans, fluid, and impossible to describe.
2014 May Stewards Minutes
Seekers Church
May 4, 2014 Stewards Meeting
Present: Peter Bankson, Marjory Bankson [recorder], Kevin Barwick [angel], Ken Burton [moderator], Pat Conover, Cynthia Dahlin, Dave Lloyd, Sandra Miller [worship], Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Margreta Silverstone [angel], Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen.
Absent: David Lloyd
Visitors: Michele Frome, Larry Rawlings,Vincent Shepherd, Glen Yakushiji
Worship: Sandra led worship with a reading from Annie Dillard, which concluded with reading Seekers’ call.
Housekeeping: next meeting will be June 8 [to avoid Earth Day at Dayspring on June 1]. 5:30 pm at Conover-Nemore summer house.
Moderator: Pat Worship: Sandra
Recorder: Marjory Angels: Brenda and Keith
Takoma Folk Festival: Larry
Date is September 7.…
A Sermon for Good Shepherd Sunday by Larry Rawlings
May 11, 2014
The Fourth Sunday of Easter
From all the evangelists and from the Old Testament too, we are used to the image of the Good Shepherd; "The Lord is my shepherd," we recited with the Psalmist in our response this morning. But in The Gospel we just heard, The Lord is not the Shepherd; He is the gate to the pen where the sheep are kept,
the gate through which the shepherd must pass.