Advent 2012
As we wait
in this lonely dark of ourselves
we do sometimes see tracings and splinters
a flicker of the dream of your world –
sparks and flashes we almost remember.
Leader 1: Leader 2: All: Leader 1: People: We thank you for your son Jesus, Leader 2: People: Leader 1: Leader 2: Leader 1: Leader 2: All: Leader: All:
This is the table of the Heavenly Feast,
the joyful celebration of the people of God.
We gather now as one body, joined around the table.
Here we celebrate God’s presence among us
united in Christ’s spirit, broken and whole all at once;
Nourished and hungry, loved and loving,
sinner and forgiven; we make one circle of knowing,
believing, rejoicing, being,
as God lights and rests among us.GREAT THANKSGIVING
Holy One of everlasting promise and fulfillment,
we give you thanks for your great yes,
which brought into being this universe,
this beautiful planet, and all your creatures.
your promised one, light in our darkness,
who calls us through the death of all we know
and into new life in his body.
We give thanks for your Holy Spirit,
Your guiding, disturbing presence,
calling us to live into your new age,
fulfilling your promise of mercy.
We are grateful for your holy church,
the community of our sisters and brothers
who listen for your call, seek to live your yes,
and carry your love and justice into the world.BLESSING THE ELEMENTS
Christ invites everyone to eat the bread of life,
to drink the cup of the new covenant.
Jesus said, I am the bread of life.
You who come to me shall never hunger,
You who believe in me shall never thirst.
On the night of his arrest, Jesus took bread,
and after giving thanks to God, broke it and said,
This is my body, broken for the healing of a broken world.
Whenever you eat it, do so remembering me.
After supper, Jesus took the cup and said,
This is the cup of the new covenant,
poured out for you and for all.
Whenever you drink it, do so remembering me.SHARE THE ELEMENTS
God of abundance and mercy,
we give joyful thanks
for your eternal love and healing presence
in our celebration of bread and cup.
Bless this body of Christ
that we may attend faithfully
to our call to be your servants,
with each other and throughout the world. Amen.SHARED REFLECTIONS
Go forth from this place
remembering the sparks and flashes
that mark the Holy Presence in our lives.
Know that the light shines in the darkness
and is not overcome.