Praying for Peace and Justice on March 9, 2025
Let us pray.
Holy One, Holy Breath of Life and Source of all that is,
in whom we live and move and connect with one another,
we cry out on behalf of all the children who are staying out of school
for fear that they will be used to track and deport their parents.
We know that school is critical for learning how to function as a creative human being – and as a positive member of society.
We know that early childhood development is critical for creative and fulfilling the purpose for our lives.
Today, fear is being used to isolate children and parents – to spread hate and suspicion instead of safety and trust.
We know You created us to love one another; to form strong bonds of family and community – to deepen our ties of safety and trust.
Now we ask You to teach us how to love one another in the face of brutal tactics that tear apart the fabric of common good.
Show us the way to link our lives and protect the young – to create space for all children to learn and grow.
Show us the way to create islands of sanity and welcome for children and parents who are being targeted right now.
We cry out to you for guidance, for grace and passion for justice and mercy.
In the name of Christ Jesus, who is present with us now and always,