Stewards minutes
Seekers Church
March 9, 2025 in person
Present: Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson, Cynthia Dahlin, Joan Dodge, Judy Lantz (recorder), Dave Lloyd, Sandra Miller, John Morris (meditation), Trish Nemore, Keith Seat (moderator), Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen, Glen Yakushiji.
Absent: Kolya Braun-Greiner, Ken Burton, Jeanne Marcus, Margreta Silverstone.
Housekeeping: Stewards will meet on Sunday, April 13 at 4:30 pm in person.
Moderator – Deborah
Meditation – Joan
Recorder – Glen
Dinner Angels – Dave & Cynthia
2025 Retreat Opportunites at Dayspring – Cynthia for LWMG
May 2 – 4 Sandra leader Marta assistant leader
Sept. 26 – 28
Report on Rolling Ridge/Stillpoint – Keith
Earth & Spirit have their retreat starting Friday evening April 4. Church members are invited to hike & stay at Rolling Ridge on April 3 into the 4th.
Stillpoint has various dates available for retreats and overnights.
2024 Final Financial Report – Marjory
Marjory pointed out that our contributions increased somewhat over last year. The expenses were down a bit. This resulted in a $27,000 surplus. FOG will offer suggestions to disperse it at the April meeting where we’ll vote our choice(s).
2024 Year-end P&L + Budget for 2025 attached.
Balance Sheet as of 12.31.24 attached
Request from Seekers Web Team – Deborah
SWAT member Margreta is soon moving. She has served as chair. None of the other members – Peter, Marjory, Joan, Ken, Deborah are in a position to be the Chair. It’s a management position – call meetings, produce the agenda. Sandra volunteered for the next few months. It will be open to another Steward going forward.
Ordination of Stewards – Trish for SLT
Sandra originated this request to allow her more access to her incarcerated pen pal. Upon discussion, it was decided that all the Stewards will receive an Ordination document allowing them participate legally in other ways as well.
SLT request for Discernment Group – John
John, representing SLT, requested a vote of Stewards to approve a committee of 3 – 5 Seekers, including non-Stewards, to form a discernment group. Their initial project will be exploring Deborah’s interest in SLT membership. So far, the committee is Marjory, Cynthia & Joan. Marjory will be chair. Several non-Stewards will make up the remainder. It was approved.
Acknowledging Marjory’s leadership of the Ecumenical Council – Keith
Marjory has recently retired as President of this COS Council. She has served in that capacity since 2011. Keith read numerous letters of appreciation from council members to acknowledge her dedication, skill and friendship through the years.
Pot Luck Meal
We ended the business meeting to enjoy our first pot luck meal since the Covid pandemic.
Pastoral Concerns
Steward sharing – Peter
Soul talk concluded our meeting. We ended the meeting at 7:00 pm.
Submitted by:
Judy Lantz