2021 May Stewards Minutes

Stewards Meeting

Sunday, May 2, 2021


By Zoom

Stewards present:  Cynthia Dahlin, Sandra Miller, David Lloyd, Keith Seat, Elizabeth Gelfeld, Deborah Sokolove, Judy Lantz (meditation leader), Trish Nemore (recorder), Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson, Brenda Seat, Margreta Silverstone, Ken Burton (moderator), Jacqie Wallen, Glen Yakushiji, John Morris, Michele Frome.

Stewards absent:  Joan Dodge, Vince Shepherd

Guests:  Liz Gould-Leger, Katie Fisher, Nancy Lawrence, Pat Conover

Meditation: Judy Lantz opened us with a prayer.

Housekeeping: June meeting is Sunday, June 6 at 5:30.  Deborah Sokolove will moderate, Margreta Silverstone will bring the meditation and Marjory Bankson will be the recorder.

Takoma Park Folk Festival update:  Keith told us Takoma Park has not yet decided about the Festival, scheduled (if it happens) for October 3.  Stay Tuned.

Children’s Team:  Judy reported that the team (herself, Brenda and Dave)  has met several times this year and she, Judy, is staying in close touch with the families of our children.  They are working with a curriculum through August.  Arnold is the only one of the younger children signed up for Camp Pecometh; Margreta reported that Ozy has applied for a week in July.  Judy thanked Celebration Circle for inviting the children to light candles, as they do in in-person worship.

Values and Considerations for reopening Seekers in-person worship:  Brenda presented the prodigious work of Celebration Circle in identifying benchmarks (CDC guidance, DC guidance, our own readiness) values and myriad options for thinking about in-person worship.  Celebration Circle’s document is attached to these minutes and identifies September 2021 as a target for possible reopening.  The chart walks through considerations for each of six scenarios from full on and only in person to remaining full on zoom.  Brenda reported that column five represents what we would most desire (the best of both worlds) but that column four represents what we might actually be able to achieve.  No decisions have been made and there will be further opportunity to hear from the community as this conversation continues, starting with after worship on May 30.  Many of those present complimented Celebration Circle on the thoroughness of its presentation and expressed great gratitude.  Additional comments and suggestions:  financial cost is one thing – human cost in terms of work by Celebration Circle needs also to be considered; if hybrid, possibly have specific time in gathering and during prayers for those who are not present in person; have full zoom-only meeting once a month or once a quarter; if have “zoom” liturgists (tending to those on zoom), want to create a wide pool because this will be a full time job and not worshipful for the individual doing it, or we could hire someone for this task; we could have zoom worship pods even now, as more are fully vaccinated.  Deborah reminded us that whatever guidance Time and Space creates for other building users – concerning cleaning, masking, distancing, etc. – will also apply to us in worship.  Time and Space will, at some later date,  report on its own work regarding reopening the building.

Pastoral Concerns

Two Stewards Sharing:  Judy Lantz and Deborah Sokolove

Soul Talk


Respectfully submitted,

Trish Nemore

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2021 June Stewards Minutes
2021 April Stewards Minutes