Seekers’ Stewards minutes
April 7, 2019
Present: Ken Burton (moderator), Margreta Silverstone (worship), Sandra Miller (recorder), Jacqie Wallen (angel), Dave Lloyd (angel), Deborah Sokolove, Marjory Bankson, Joan Dodge, Glen Yakushiji, Keith Seat, Judy Lantz, Elizabeth Gelfeld, Cynthia Dahlin
Absent: Vince Shepherd, Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Michelle Frome
Next meeting, May 5th
Moderator – Deborah Sokolove
Worship – Dave Lloyd
Recorder – Peter Bankson
Angels – Elizabeth Gelfeld & Joan Dodge
Judy and Cynthia will be absent from the May meeting
Brenda’s Review Team Report by Cynthia Dahlin:
The team included Glenn Clark, Larry Rawlings, Sandra Miller, and Cynthia Dahlin (coordinator). Donna Franklin had signed up to be on team but was unable to continue.
See report attached, which includes Brenda’s announcement that this would be her last term. Judy expressed gratitude for Brenda’s always ready support for the Children’s Team. Stewards extends thanks to Brenda and the review team.
Conversation came up about term limits, but it was generally agreed that this was unnecessary.
Friendship Dinners report by Keith for Brenda:
The responses by hosts and attendees was totally positive. The next round will be in May & June, details will be announced by Brenda when appropriate.
A suggestion was made that hosting might be done by teams to spread the participation and responsibility. Brenda will cover this when the next announcement is made.
Down the Road request by Jacqie Wallen:
Time permitted, so Jacqie requested that time be allotted in the May agenda to recognize Down the Road as a ministry of the church.
Gathering Time report by Deborah Sokolove:
See attached report. What started as a single theme experiment evolved to a series of experiments. On February 24th, Will Ramsey, John Morris, and Marjory Bankson met with Celebration Circle at CC’s invitation as they were the starters of the initiative to revisit the structure of the time. It was a good meeting with the purpose of allowing Celebration Circle to listen deeply to thoughts from the community at large.
Gathering Time will continue to evolve as Seekers evolves. For now, the Time will start with a period of reflection followed by personal sharing. As an extension of the feedback, the lectionary list each season will also include the reflection paragraph for the season, as well as some leading reflection questions. Passing around clipboard for signups have been determined as essential to the life of the community and have been brought back to Gathering Time. Learners and Teachers expressed gratitude for return of the clipboards.
There is a hope that the Time can end 5 minutes before the hour so that worship can start at 10.
Keith expressed a sorrow that the 2 minute individual Seekers’ stories has lost momentum and will not officially continue. He would like to see an effort made to invite newer members of the community to share 2 minute stories to help those members feel welcome and included, and give the community a chance to get to know them. Celebration Circle will not pick that up, but welcomes OMG to do that.
Dave expressed concern about the loudness factor is going upstairs to worship and offered the suggestion that the community be invited to go upstairs in silence as opposed to being asked to be silent when entering the sanctuary.
Marjory believes that it is important to make sure there is time allowed for announcements for the good of the community, especially for the benefit of newcomers.
Glen asked if there was anything that Stewards members could do to support Celebration Circle for/during Gathering Time.
Neighborhood Development by Dave Lloyd:
Dave had a conversation with one of our neighbors that the developer of the property next to and behind us where it was indicated that the project is stalled because the developers needs more property to have access to the site, and because there are DC requirements that have not yet been met.
Finance Oversight Group by Marjory Bankson:
FOG met the week prior to our meeting in an attempt to make the treasurer’s job easier. An updated YTD report was shared. Cynthia and Dave provide quarterly list of Domestic and International Giving disbursements. If a sponsor of a disbursement needs to change details of when and mailing instructions, please email Dave (International), or Cynthia (Domestic), as appropriate. Michelle is taking over the reconciliation of bank statements from Keith.
Potter’s House report by Marjory Bankson:
Marjory offered a brief history of the transference of Potter’s House from Potter’s House Church to 8th Day Church. Should 8th Day opt to sell the property at some point, all the communities will share in the proceeds of the sale.
Potter’s House asked Seekers to consider some questions about our relationship/personal involvement to Potter’s House:
[Potter’s House] Request to larger C of S Community:
We would like to hold a stakeholder meeting to invite affiliated churches and nonprofits together for an update and discussion of options going forward. We think it is critically important that a broad range of stakeholders be given an opportunity to understand the amount of work and love, that has gone into trying to make the Potter’s House work over the last few years, and work together to find ways to continue and support this ministry.
- How important is The Potter’s House to your church community?
- Do you see The Potter’s House as a meeting place for your community?
- What type of partnership would you like to have with The Potter’s House going forward? Would your congregation want to schedule a monthly event at The Potter’s House?
- Is there someone in your community who might consider joining the Steering Committee?
- Would each C of S community be willing to help distribute information about The Potter’s House events?
- Would each community help us promote the Pay It Forward Membership Club and possibly other campaigns?
The general consensus was that there was no longer any strong, direct links to that mission. We have posted a flyer and made announcements about the Potter’s House “Pay it Forward” fundraising project to raise money for free meals offered to those in need.
Also distributed was the position description for the Potter’s House executive director job now open. (Attached for the record)
Stewards Sharing were Glen Yakushiji and Peter Bankson
Soul Talk
Brenda’s Ministry Review 3-10-19