2016 July Stewards Minutes


Stewards Minutes

July 3, 2016

5:30 p.m.

 Stewards Present:  Deborah Sokolove (Moderator),  Margreta Silverstone  (Angel),  David  Lloyd (Worship/Reflection), Peter Bankson,  Jacqie Wallen (Note-taker), Judy Lantz, Marjory Bankson,  Cynthia Dahlin, Ken Burton, Kevin Barwick, Will Ramsey, Vincent Shepherd (Angel),  Brenda Seat,  Joan Dodge,  Michele Frome,  Keith Seat 

Stewards Absent:  Sandra Miller, Trish Nemore 

Guests:  Linda Nunes-Schrag,  Bill Drehmann, Teresa Ramsey, Doug Dodge, Keith Seat, Elese Sizemore 


Moderator:  Deborah Sokolove    

Worship/Reflection:  Dave Lloyd

Note-taker:  Jacqie Wallen          

Dinner Angels:  Vincent Shepherd and Margreta Silverstone 

Worship was offered by David Lloyd, who asked for a moment of silence and individual prayers in memory of Mary Cosby’s life.  He then read Psalm 146   and offered a prayer of his own.  Individual Stewards shared their positive memories of Mary’s life.


Stewards will next meet on Sunday, August 7th at 5:30 pm at the church.

Moderator:  Cynthia Dahlin                                              

Worship:  Joan

Note taker:    Marjory                                          

Angels:  Judy and Dave

Ministry Review for Brenda Seat: (Cynthia)

Brenda’s ministry review team consisted of Cynthia Dahlin, Judy Lantz,  Larry Rawlings, and  David Lloyd.  The team reported that Brenda continued to feel called to be on the Servant Leadership team and that Seekers and the Servant Leadership team were eager to have her continue in that role.   Hearing that Brenda had affirmed her call and the Ministry Review had confirmed it, Stewards also confirmed her call.

Mid-year Financial Report from the Financial Oversight Group – FOG (Marjory)

Marjory reported that our income was down a little, as often happens in summer.  Building expenses were up a little because of the roof repair and youth activities were up a little because of the summer camp expenses for Seekers children.   The effect of these expenses was counterbalanced to some extent by an increase in building income due to the increase in summer camps renting the building.  As a result, we were close to the projected budget.

Guatemala Reforestation (Peter)

Peter described his and Marjory’s commitment to providing monthly funding to a Guatemala reforestation project  from an account they manage (not a part of Seekers) and asked that anyone interested in contributing contact them.  They are hoping to form a non-profit organization to hold the funds so that they don’t have to keep them in a personal account. Peter is checking with a church in New Ulm, MN that, according to their website, supports the reforestation project to see if it might be possible to partner with them.

Developments at Othandweni 

(Linda Nunes-Schrag and Othandweni support team)

Linda has organized a support group for herself, Bill, the staff of Othandweni, and other Othandweni supporters.  It has been very helpful and the staff is becoming much better organized.  Peter has added information about Othandweni to the Seekers website.   The South African Social Development Agency has given Othandweni some money.  It is not very much at present but is a foot in the door for future grants.  Othandweni  will now be able to hire more qualified teachers.  The new teachers at Othandweni are very competent and well-trained. The African Social Development Agency money comes with a lot of conditions that Othandweni must meet to receive the money. The grant also paid for food, toys, play equipment, and teacher training.   Bill and Linda are doing fundraising for their own trip and for the Afterschool program.  The new board is much stronger and will be concentrating harder on fundraising from the Social Development Agency and other sources in Pretoria.  Good steps forward with some continuing and new challenges because there were a lot of conditions on the funding that came

Plans for the Takoma Park Fold Festival – Sept 11 (Teresa Ramsey)

Teresa reported that the Outreach Mission Group is developing a standard operating procedure that can be used every year to plan for and staff the Seekers booth at the Folk Festival.

(NOTE:  Subsequent to the Stewards meeting, the Folk Festival was cancelled due to the lack of availability of volunteers to fill the leadership roles.)

Sounding the Call of the Outreach Mission Group (OMG) 

(Joan Dodge, Teresa Ramsey, Doug Dodge, Michele Frome, Keith Seat)

Keith gave the history of OMG beginning with a small group last spring.  It evolved into a group exploring the possibility of becoming a mission group, meeting every other week.  A small editing group also formed consisting of Dave Lloyd, Peter Bankson, and Katie Fisher to focus on the brochure.  The exploratory outreach group then  decided to form a mission group and wrote s Statement of Call.  Each OMG member described how they had been called to participate in this mission group.  Teresa read the call.  Joan described the roles and responsibilities for the group.  They will be writing spiritual reports but they have not yet defined a spiritual director (it is on the agenda for the next meeting).   Stewards affirmed the call of the new mission group. 

2016 August Stewards Minutes
2016 June Stewards Minutes