Stewards Minutes

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2023 October Stewards Minutes

Seekers Church

Stewards minutes

October 8, 2023 – in person

Present: Peter Bankson, Marjory Bankson, Ken Burton (moderator), Cynthia Dahlin, Joan Dodge, Judy Lantz (recorder), David Lloyd, Sandra Miller (meditation), John Morris, Trish Nemore, Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen, Vince Shepherd, Glen Yakushiji.

Absent: Elizabeth Gelfeld, Keith Seat

Guests: Ron Kraybill, Katie Fisher

Housekeeping: Stewards will meet in person on Sunday, November 12 at 3:30 pm.

          Moderator: Deborah Sokolove

          Worship – John Morris

          Recorder – Sandra Miller

Agenda: This meeting’s worship was led by Sandra Miller.  She read “To Be of Use” from Marge Piercy’s book of poems The Art of Blessing the Day

Takoma Park Street Festival – Joan

This first festival since Covid.  It was very well attended.  Seeker volunteers attended the booth from 10 – 5.  Consensus was that our booth was well placed in a quiet area and near Glenn Clark’s house for easy access.  The kids coloring table place out front drew families.  The prayer net was populated well  

Next year: 1. We need another canvas tote for the sand bag storage next year.  2. To improve our space, we’ll build a structure for our big banner to stabilize it & make it easier to enter & exit our booth.  3. Allow space in front for the children’s coloring table.

Carroll Café – Sandra

The first concert of the year will be held on Friday, October 13th featuring Phil Wiggins and Hubby Jenkins.  Sixty-five seats are sold so far.  We allow 75.  The room capacity is 90.  New this year – no food available.  Also, attendees are asked to take their trash with them.  Denise Leclair, Doug Dodge, Margreta Silverstone, Glen Yakushiji and Sandra Miller make up the ministry team in charge.

Bokamoso – Trish

We are hoping that visas will be granted for their visit this coming year.  Interviews are being held this month.  The Board has identified a contact in Senator Van Hollen’s office and is considering how best to use that contact.  We don’t have a Seeker on the Board.  Trish welcomes a volunteer from our congregation.

Budget – Marjory on behalf of FOG (report attached)

Contributions are on target at 76%.  Marjory asks that mission groups get their money requests submitted in the next few weeks for next year.  She will post a draft budget at the November meeting. 

Seekers has received a substantial bequest from Jean Adam’s estate.  Since we don’t use bequests for current expenses, we will hold a workshop given by the Faith & Money Network on November 18 from 10:00 am – 12:00 noon on Zoom to consider its distribution.  The workshop will be open to all Seekers.  We voted that a substantial donation be made to Bokamoso.  Marjory suggests that we offer $500 to Faith & Money for the workshop.

Building use income is at 168%.

Time & Space – Glen

The roof needs repaired/replaced.  The mission group has solicited 3 bids which they are considering.  A decision of who and how much is forthcoming.

Two Mission Groups Sharing

Time & Space – Margreta (attached)

There is a list of tenants with their meeting times available. 

Ron suggested that we have a card or 1-page writeup, on who we are and our values, available within the building for visitors.

Celebration Circle – Deborah (attached)

Recommitment Discussion

All those present, except Judy, stated they had signed the book.  Elizabeth is pending as well.

There followed a long discussion about when, where and what time we will hold the Steward’s meetings going forward.  We voted to meet in person next month, November 12 (2nd Sunday) at 3:30 pm.  We will not have a meal but Margreta will offer an activity in the Skylight room at meeting break for us to socialize.

Everyone agreed that immediately following Sunday church is problematic, especially for CC who are at church from 8:30 on through worship.

Sunday suggestions offered:

  1. Meet the 2nd Sunday of each month to avoid conflict with Communion Sundays.
  2. Meet 3 times in person – when Stewards voice their commitment, the Christmas Party, 3rd one was not suggested yet.
  3. Meet quarterly in person, the rest on Zoom
  4. Times include 3:30 pm or 5:00 pm

Each Steward is invited to voice their preference after reading the minutes.

Stewards sharing – Marjory & Jacqie

Soul talk concluded our meeting.  We ended at 2:40 pm.

Submitted by Judy Lantz