Stewards Minutes

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2024 March Stewards Minutes


Stewards Minutes

March 10, 2024

Attendance: Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson, Ken Burton (recorder), Cynthia Dahlin, Joan Dodge, Judy Lantz, David Lloyd, Sandra Miller (meditation), John Morris, Trish

Nemore, Keith Seat, Brenda Seat,  Deborah Sokolove (moderator), Jacqie Wallen, Glen Yakushiji, Margreta Silverstone. All 17 Stewards were present. Members Liz Gould-Leger and Anita Jackson were present as guests.

Meditation: Sandra offered a prayer asking God to stand with us in ways that we will recognize and to bless the Stewards meeting and the world.

Housekeeping: Stewards will next meet Sunday, April 14, at 4 pm EDT on Zoom.

Moderator – Sandra

Recorder — Jacqie

Meditation – Joan

Pre-Print Calendar – This document was distributed prior to the meeting by Trish. It provides guidance regarding the Seekers meetings for the remainder of 2024. It is subject to change as the individual meetings approach. Stewards noted that the references to Vincent Shepherd and Art Hop should be deleted.

Art Gallery – Sandra, the gallery curator, shared plans for the gallery. Deborah’s exhibit will come down later this month. The next show will feature the work of Cynthia Johnson, a local Black artist. Planning is underway for a show sponsored by the Justice Arts Coalition which would feature the work of incarcerated artists. Sandra anticipates having four or five shows a year.

Stillpoint/Rolling Ridge Update – Keith reminded us that Seekers is entitled of three weeks a year at Rolling Ridge. The Earth and Spirit Mission Group holds weekend retreats twice a year. Other Seekers groups as well as families are encouraged to use Stillpoint. Our relationship with Rolling Ridge is less formal. Kevin Barwick, who has a home near the property, serves as our liaison.

Dayspring Retreat Opportunities and LWMG – Marjory and Cynthia reminded as that sign-ups are currently underway for the spring retreat, which Margreta will lead. The fall retreat will be September 20-22, 2024. Last year’s spring retreat had to be postponed due to a Covid outbreak. Comment has been made about the lack of “family feel” during meals because of the chair arrangement in the dining room. This was begun as a Covid precaution and will continue indefinitely. It is a sacrifice justified by health concerns. With increased costs for retreats, Living Water Mission Group is being generous with scholarship money. Marta Brenden has joined LWMG. New Seekers, especially, should be encouraged to make a silent retreat.

Hope Credit Union Account Authorization – Stewards unanimously approved a resolution authorizing the opening of a Seekers account at Hope Credit Union. The signatories will be our four corporate officers: Keith Seat, president; Deborah Sokolove, vice-president; David Lloyd, secretary; and Marjory Bankson, treasurer.

Emergency Contact Forms – Margreta requested that we update and return our emergency contact forms, which she distributed earlier this month. In the event of a medical or other personal emergency, the information on this form can be of urgent importance.

Church of the Saviour Council – Keith and Marjory reported on the recent meeting of the C of S Council. Subjects included the current stress within the Potters House and planning for the 77th anniversary of the Church of the Saviour (volunteers needed!). The next meeting will focus on the importance of the C of S tradition in the lives of each of the churches.

Pastoral Concerns – not recorded for confidentiality

Two Stewards Sharing – Elizabeth and Brenda updated us on their journeys.

Soul Talk

Submitted on March 11, 2024 by Ken Burton