Stewards Minutes

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2007 August Stewards Minutes


Seekers Church 

August 5, 2007 

Present:, Peter Bankson, Ken Burton (moderator), Lewise Busch, Alan Dragoo, Jane Engle (shepherd), Sue Johnson,  Muriel Lipp, David Lloyd (recorder), Sandra Miller (worship), Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Deborah Sokolove.  

Absent:, Marjory Bankson, Pat Conover, Kate Cudlipp, Cynthia Dahlin, Trish Nemore, Margreta Silverstone 

Worship:  Sandra read the Psalm 107, focusing on its balance of body, mind, and spirit, similar to the metaphor for the Trinity that Deborah preached on. 

Housekeeping.  The next meeting will be moved from September 2 (Labor Day weekend) to September 9 at 5:30 (at Carroll St). 

Worship: Lewise 

Shepherd: someone from the shepherd’s group  

Moderator: Deborah 

Recorder: Sandra 

Angel (for cleanup): Dave & Brenda