Stewards Minutes

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2007 September Stewards Minutes

September 9, 2007 

Present: Deborah Sokolove (moderator), Lewise Busch (worship), Pat Conover (shepherd), David Lloyd (angel), Muriel Lipp (angel), Sandra Miller (recorder), Jane Engle, Ken Burton, Keith Seat, Brenda Seat, Kate Cudlipp, Cynthia Dahlin, Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson, Margreta Silverstone, Trish Nemore 

Worship:  Lewise offered a reading of I hold up my life to you now from Guerillas of Grace by Ted Loderer 

Website:  Peter brought us a quick update on the development of the website.  Seekers is in the que for loading the trial site – this should occur in just a couple of weeks and then training will begin of the people who will have edit access.