Stewards Minutes

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2023 May Stewards Minutes

Seekers Church

Stewards minutes

May 7, 2023

Present: Peter Bankson, Marjory Bankson, Ken Burton, Cynthia Dahlin, Joan Dodge (meditation), Elizabeth Gelfeld, Judy Lantz (recorder), David Lloyd, Sandra Miller, John Morris, Keith Seat, Trish Nemore, Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove (moderator), Jacqie Wallen, Vince Shepherd, Glen Yakushiji.

Absent: Brenda Seat

Guests:  Anita Jackson, Erica Lloyd, Sharon Lloyd, Paul & Sallie Holmes, & Debbie Barwick.

Housekeeping: Stewards will meet on Sunday, June 4 at 5:30 pm using zoom as the meeting format. 

           Moderator: Joan Dodge

           Meditation: Sandra Miller

           Recorder: Marjory Bankson

Agenda: This meeting’s worship was led by Joan Dodge.  She read The Future is Possible from Sonya’s Growing Our Life Together.

SLT Review Team – Margreta

This is an update as Margreta moves into year 2 of being on SLT.  She is called to continue active with SLT until the Spring of 2025.  There are still goals to reach and she continues to grow in the position.  She is working through the challenges.

Ecumenical Council Report – Keith


The last meeting was March 12.  Mathias plans to step down as webmaster of the COS site at the end of May.  Marjory is in discussion with possible replacements.  Inward/Outward has about 5,000 followers.  Facebook has about 1200 followers.  Mailchimp has been unreliable in delivering Inward/Outward on schedule.  A replacement is being sought.

Sunday School Update – Judy


Seekers Building Use and Concerns – Deborah for Time & Space

Glen has replaced the lattice leading to the roof as well as the fence bordering on the Electric Maid property.  The contractors will replace the current wire-and-cloth fencing along the south and west sides of our lot with a wooden fence when they complete the apartment building currently under construction.  We will need to rebuild the deteriorating wooden fence on the Electric Maid side of our property at that time, as well.  Bill Drehmann has repaired the door at the driveway leading into the basement.

The parking arrangement with workers on adjacent properties is working well.  They close the gate when they leave the property.

There are teens gathering on our outside porches.  This is due to their loss of places to gather while building construction continues all around the neighborhood.  Chairs have been damaged with only two now viable.  We don’t know who damaged the chairs.  Sharon & Dave purchased those existing and offer to do so again.  Sandra offers several that she owns if they can be picked up.

Denise is working on an outside camera.  Who would monitor it?  Keith is concerned about liability if we continue to allow outside people to gather on the property.  DC has roving counselors.  Jacqie will contact them for possible connection.  This is not part of T&S responsibilities.

The play equipment is being removed from the back area of the church.

Next Door Building Sale – Peter

The owners of the building next door, where the Electric Maid is located has put it up for sale for $2.5 million.  The dry cleaners have closed, renovation of the Electric Maid stopped at the beginning of Covid and the three recent renovated apartments in the old house are unoccupied.  The building owners, who ran the cleaners earlier, are tired of the upkeep and want to use proceeds from the sale to support their retirement.  The property is likely to be sold to another developer and converted into more high-rise apartments.

Brian, of the Electric Maid, met with Peter and Doug Dodge to discuss his interest in forming a legal partnership to work with the owners to take the building off the market and purchase it for use as a “community service” location.

According to Brian, Rhizome DC, a not-for-profit community art space currently located around the corner beyond Starbucks on Maple Street, is interested in purchasing the building as a new location for their art and performance activities.  Brian reported that their plans do not appear to include continuation of the Electric Maid.

Peter and Glen have had interest in encouraging closer cooperation with the owners of the building, but neither of them has the time, or sense of call, to lead more active engagement.  Peter suggested that any Seekers who have interest and time to help Seekers play a more active role in the sale of this property could contact him.

Neighborhood Development – Margreta


OMG – Joan & Doug Dodge have visited with the community coordinator of Entwine, 129 units of senior housing located around the corner from Starbucks.  They took Seeker brochures.  In the course of the visit they learned there is a need for sheets and clothes by residents.  Joan will find out what size of sheets are needed.  Looking to offer resources, Erica will contact Mutual Aide of Takoma Park and Anita will locate and report on clothes closet nearby.  Peter offered to help.  It may be that we fill a box with sheets and deliver them along with resources we’ve located. Erica suggested that we let them know about Mutual Aid of Takoma Park:,

Masks going forward – Trish

SLT recommends that masks be optional for Sunday worship starting now.  Deborah said that Celebration Circle agrees.  No vote is required.

Stewards sharing – Judy and Deborah

Soul talk concluded our meeting.