Our inclusive language liturgies generally set the structure and theme of Sunday morning worship. Since announcements are an integral part of our life together, we offer some guidelines for those who make announcements towards the end of worship.
.wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-4872 {margin-left: -2em; }.wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-4872 .wp-show-posts-inner {margin: 0 0 2em 2em; } ENTRANCE REFLECTION Worship we our Jesus, but wherewith for sacred sign? Love to God and neighbor, love for plea and gift and sign. Christina Rossetti ENTRANCE REFLECTION Our God is an expert at dealing with chaos, with brokenness, with all the worst that we can imagine. God created order out of disorder, cosmos out of chaos, and God can do so always, can do so now―in our personal lives and in our lives as nations, globally. … Indeed, God is transforming the world now―through us―because God loves us. ― Desmond Tutu, from the introduction to God Has a Dream: A Vision of Hope for Our Time ENTRANCE REFLECTION The Gospel will be performed where two or three are gathered together, listening for the Word of God, feeling the breath of the Spirit dancing in and among and through them, feeding one another so that they can become what they already are: members of the Body of Christ, going out to perform the Good News of God’s love for the healing of the world. Deborah Sokolove, Performing the Gospel, p. 171 ENTRANCE REFLECTION Joy abandons me. There is no cure for my grief. My heart is sick…. Jeremiah 8:18,20, 9:10 and 29:5,7 ENTRANCE REFLECTION This is my living faith, an active faith, a faith of verbs: to question, explore, experiment, experience, walk, run, dance, play, eat, love, learn, dare, taste, touch, smell, listen, speak, write, read, draw, provoke, emote, scream, sin, repent, cry, kneel, pray, bow, rise, stand, look, laugh, cajole, create, confront, confound, walk back, walk forward, circle, hide, and seek. Terry Tempest Williams, Leap, 2001Christmastide 2019-2020
2019 Advent liturgy: “What do you hear? What do you see?”
2019 Jubilee liturgy: “The vision is out there …”
2019 Recommitment liturgy: “Persistence in Adversity”
The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved….
O that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears,
so that I might weep day and night for my poor people….
The Holy One says, Build houses to live in; plant gardens and eat what they grow….
Seek the welfare of the city….
Pray to the Holy One on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find yours.2019 Summer liturgy: “Faith is Hard”