
We use the Revised Common Lectionary, a list of Bible readings used by many churches and denominations around the world.

The specific readings, the reflection that begins our worship, and a guiding question for this season are below.

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2022 Easter Lectionary: Good News on the Other Side

Detail from photograph of paper doves hanging from the ceiling of the Church of the Most Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Lviv, Ukraine. Thanks to SOPA Images Limited/Alamy Live News

We have heard so much tragic news that when the news is good we cannot hear it. But the proclamation of Easter Day is that all is well. … I say this not with the easy optimism of one who has never known a time when all was not well but as one who has faced the cross in all its obscenity as well as in all its glory, who has known one way or another what it is like to live separated from God. In the end, God’s will, not ours, is done. Love is the victor. Death is not the end. The end is life.

― Frederick Buechner, The Magnificent Defeat, p. 81


What is the Good News you are having a hard time hearing?


Readings are available on the internet at https://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu//