
We use the Revised Common Lectionary, a list of Bible readings used by many churches and denominations around the world.

The specific readings, the reflection that begins our worship, and a guiding question for this season are below.

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2023 Summer Lectionary: Wrestling with Faith

Revised Common Lectionary

Summer 2023

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” Jesus’ response [understood in the Greek, is:] “If you have the faith of a mustard seed (and you do) – implying … that what they need isn’t more faith. What they need to realize is that the thing they ALREADY have IS faith. It’s like Jesus is saying how much faith do you have? and I’m like I don’t know Jesus, it’s not very much it’s like barely any and Jesus is saying “perfect!”

Nadia-Bolz Weber, “A sermon on faith and doubt,” Oct. 2, 2022

Where are you wrestling with faith?

July 23
Genesis 28:10-19a
Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24
Romans 8:12‑25
Matthew 13:24‑30, 36‑43
August 20
Genesis 45:1-15
Psalm 133
Romans 11:1‑2a, 29-32
Matthew 15:10-28
July 30
Genesis 29:15-28
Psalm 128
Romans 8:26-39
Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
August 27
Exodus 1:8-2:10
Psalm 124
Romans 12:1-8
Matthew 16:13-20
August 6
Genesis 32:22-31
Psalm 17:1-7, 15
Romans 9:1‑5
Matthew 14:13-21
September 3
Exodus 3:1-15
Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b
Romans 12:9-21
Matthew 16:21-28
August 13
Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28
Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b
Romans 10:5-15
Matthew 14:22-33
September 10
Exodus 12:1-14
Psalm 149
Romans 13:8-14
Matthew 18:15-20

Readings are available on the internet at https://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu//