“Joyfully Marching Into the Unknown” by Tim Kumfer

October 12, 2014

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

I want to start today by expressing our gratitude for all the ways that Seekers has supported our renewal efforts at The Potter’s House. At every step you have been with us, offering your wisdom and generosity. From bringing a reconciling spirit to the tough conversations at the Ecumenical Council, to offering guidance on how to provide for major renovations, to all the prayers and gifts given on our behalf, it is not hyperbole to say that this renewal would not be possible without you. As we prepare to re-open in the New Year, we give thanks to God for Seekers Church and the strong bond we feel with our sister community here on Carroll St. From all of us on Columbia Rd., thank you. We look forward to sharing more with you and doing some dreaming together in our discussion time following the service.

Heading into recommitment Sunday, we are journeying together ‘into the unknown.’ We are preparing again to say ‘yes’ to the Spirit, and all that we can’t anticipate following in her path. And I imagine, too, that we are wrestling with the ‘nos’ that will need to come in order that we might say ‘yes’ to this life prepared for us in all its fullness. I must confess that for me – and I wonder if anyone else can relate to this – this season of not-knowing has lasted more than several weeks, instead encompassing the past several years.

Talk about an impossible call! Thousands of volunteer labor hours soon ensued, as church members, college students, and people from across the country joined with the residents to rehabilitate their buildings. And what came from all this was more than simply a dignified place to live, as important as that is. This was really the beginning of a new community,

So the question that I place before us all is how will you as Seekers and us together as The Church of the Saviour faithfully answer the Spirit’s call to join the movement, joyfully marching into the unknown?