January 2009 Stewards Minutes
Stewards Minutes
January 4, 2009
Present: Sandra Miller (worship), Jeannine Caracciolo (recorder), Marjory Bankson, Margreta
Silverstone (angel), Aeren Martinez, Pat Conover, Lewise Busch (angel), Jane Engle, Ken
Burton, Murial Lipp, Trish Nemore (moderator), Peter Bankson, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Kate
Absent: Cynthia Dahlin, Sue Johnson, Dave Lloyd, Deborah Sokolove
Sandra led worship
The next meeting will be February 8 in the 1st floor conference room. Deborah will
Two Mission Groups have yet to share. Living Water Mission Group will share at the Feb
Stewards meeting. The SLT is working on getting a date with the Artist Mission Group.
Shepherd’s Discussion
Brenda noted the process a shepherd would take:
1. Make the group aware that someone is upset
2. Give group time to reconnect to the circle
3. Reflect back to the group
4. Create a safe place
5. Be aware of who seems to be withdrawing and possibly follow up outside of the meeting
6. Follow up privately after the meeting with anyone who was involved in
emotional/contentious issues or anyone else that shepherd thinks might need it
7. Offer silent intercessory prayer during meeting
Stewards wrote down names of potential Shepherds and gave them to Brenda who will follow up
through email.
Brenda’s review team
Jane reported for Brenda’s team. The team commented on Brenda’s gifts and were happy to
report that she is staying on SLT. Stewards laid hands on Brenda and offered prayers of
thanks for her gifts.
Two Stewards shared: Lewise and Ken
Sacred conversation on race. Stewards discussed the deepening relationships flowing from
the sacred conversations on race and diversity.
Soul Talk