5 events found.
Christmas Eve Potluck Dinner
Dinner at 6:00 pm Lessons and Carols at 7:30 pm Important Information: This is a potluck dinner, so please indicate what you will be bringing when you sign-up. Be sure to make food for 4 times the number that are in your party. We want to have plenty for everyone! […]
Carroll Café—Takoma Radio Benefit Concert
Historic Takoma presents Takoma Radio's HULA ON THE ROAD. Featuring Emma's Revolution, Pam Parker, Joe Uehlein, the Hula Huskers, and special guests! This show will be presented and recorded as a live radio show, to be broadcast later on Takoma Radio. Takoma Radio www.takomaradio.org aims to create and operate a non-commercial radio station offering a hyper-local listening […]