Living Vegan!
Welcome to Living Vegan!
A new blog sponsored by the Seekers/CreatureKind Ministry Team
Each week, Living Vegan! will offer recipes . . . shopping tips . . . news updates . . . quotes . . . and reflections on how humans, other animals, and Creation can thrive together.
How It Started
This spring, the School for Christian Growth offered a three-week course called Protest Kitchen based on the book Protest Kitchen: Fight Injustice, Save the Planet, and Fuel Your Resistance One Meal at a Time by Carol J. Adams and Virginia Messina. The course explored the concept of food justice, and examined how our food choices intersect with other issues of justice and spirit that we care about as Christians – including racism, misogyny, and health care. Each class started with a simple and delicious vegan meal.
At the final session of the course, participants expressed enthusiasm for continuing the conversation and supporting each other in exploring alternatives to animal agriculture. This blog is the CreatureKind Team’s response to this energy.
.wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-20965 {margin-left: -2em; }.wp-show-posts-columns#wpsp-20965 .wp-show-posts-inner {margin: 0 0 2em 2em; } Vegan Bakery Next Door to Seekers! Sticky Fingers, a woman-owned, vegan bakery, is heading to Takoma this fall. Sticky Fingers will open a retail bakery and commercial kitchen in the space formerly occupied by Soupergirl at 314 Carroll St., NW. The opening date is tentatively set for September. The bakery will have a retail counter for cakes, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, and buns, along with a grab-and-go section for top-selling savory items from its H Street N.E. diner, like aged and fresh vegan cheeses, vegan charcuterie, and local favorites, including Soupergirl soups. Erica’s Incredibly Delicious Salad Erica Lloyd writes: I’m a… by Sandra Miller Being happy with my conversion to being vegan about 3 months ago, after being a vegetarian much of my adult life, I thought offering something, if even just a recipe, would be a cakewalk. Not so. This writing has become an opportunity to examine how I can take established and new practices and ideas into a framework that makes it easier to keep to my convictions, and maybe makes it easier for people sitting on the fence to think about veganism differently. The truth is that living alone, having some health issues, as much as I love… At the moment, John Morris and Katie Fisher are leading the effort to provide content for this blog, but we can’t do it alone! Please help us keep it going by offering content, reactions, suggestions, questions . . . whatever you’d like to find in you inbox once a week! If you’re moved to write a post, send it to us and we’ll publish it. To get us started, here is one of our favorite dinner recipes—quick and easy, delicious, and high in protein. It’s from philosopher Peter Singer’s groundbreaking book Animal Liberation. (You can watch him make it in a short video.) Make it as written, or bump it up by adding grated or minced fresh ginger/fresh turmeric/cumin seeds along with the curry powder. If you don’t have a cinnamon stick, don’t worry. Toss in some cilantro and/or baby spinach. When we make it we just add the can of tomatoes along with the lentils and use powdered coconut milk at the end in place of the canned. Serve with rice, chutney, and naan.Dairy Subsidies, “Sticky Fingers,” and More!
Sandra’s Tasty, Beautiful Meals on the Fly
Welcome to the First “Vegan Living!” Post